“It’s essential that the [Olympic Defender] allies and partners have a shared understanding of the battlespace, to ensure mission impacting decision-making is based on common perceptions of what’s occurring and likely to occur in the Area of Responsibility,” said Royal Australian Air Force Group Captain Julien Greening, CSpOC deputy director.
By Theresa Hitchens
In likely her last interview in the job, Kristyn Jones reveals a few lessons-learned from the embattled Sentinel ICBM development program.
By Colin Clark
“The destruction of a satellite may not have that same public effect as a missile attack into a civilian population, but from a military standpoint, you’ve still definitely created an act of war,” said Gen. Chance Saltzman.
By Tim Martin
“So, what worries me most is China’s use of space to complete the kill chain necessary to generate long-range precision strikes against the maritime and air components scheme of maneuver. That’s what concerns me the most,” Brig. Gen. Anthony Mastalir, commander of Space Forces Indo-Pacific, said.
By Colin Clark
Along with worries over basing schedule and international partners, GAO had fretted software development could delay completion of the first radar site.
By Theresa Hitchens
Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, head of Space Operations Command, said that the Space Force is now following 35,000 space objects, a 22% jump in only the last two years.
By Theresa Hitchens