Pentagon Studies Weapons That Can Read Users’ Mind

Pentagon Studies Weapons That Can Read Users’ Mind
Pentagon Studies Weapons That Can Read Users’ Mind

NEWSEUM: The troops of tomorrow may be able to pull the trigger using only their minds. As artificially intelligent drones, hacking, jamming, and missiles accelerate the pace of combat, some of the military’s leading scientists are studying how mere humans can keep up with the incredible speed of cyber warfare, missiles and other threats. One…

Artificial Intelligence Will Help Hunt Daesh By December

Artificial Intelligence Will Help Hunt Daesh By December
Artificial Intelligence Will Help Hunt Daesh By December

THE NEWSEUM: Artificial intelligence is coming soon to a battlefield near you — with plenty of help from the private sector. Within six months the US military will start using commercial AI algorithms to sort through its masses of intelligence data on the Islamic State. “We will put an algorithm into a combat zone before…