Former Navy vice chief charged in purported bribery scheme: DOJ

Former Navy vice chief charged in purported bribery scheme: DOJ
Former Navy vice chief charged in purported bribery scheme: DOJ

Robert Burke faces a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison if convicted, the Department of Justice said.

US moves to dismiss Ligado spectrum lawsuit, disputes court jurisdiction and claims

US moves to dismiss Ligado spectrum lawsuit, disputes court jurisdiction and claims
US moves to dismiss Ligado spectrum lawsuit, disputes court jurisdiction and claims

“Ligado fails to plead any plausible facts to support its purely speculative claim that the Government has occupied its licensed spectrum,” alleges the DoJ motion to dismiss the satellite communication firm’s suit in US Federal Claims Court.

US, Allies, Partners Formally Attribute Exchange Hacks To China

US, Allies, Partners Formally Attribute Exchange Hacks To China
US, Allies, Partners Formally Attribute Exchange Hacks To China

“The PRC’s pattern of irresponsible behavior in cyberspace is inconsistent with its stated objective of being seen as a responsible leader in the world,” a senior administration official said on Sunday night.

CISA Warns Executive Branch Agencies To Fix Critical Windows Vulnerability

CISA Warns Executive Branch Agencies To Fix Critical Windows Vulnerability
CISA Warns Executive Branch Agencies To Fix Critical Windows Vulnerability

“CISA has validated various proofs of concept and is concerned that exploitation of this vulnerability may lead to full system compromise of agency networks if left unmitigated,” the emergency directive says.

Pipeline CEO Defends Company’s Cyber Info Sharing

Pipeline CEO Defends Company’s Cyber Info Sharing
Pipeline CEO Defends Company’s Cyber Info Sharing

“[Paying the ransom] was the hardest decision I’ve made in my 39 years in the energy industry… and I put the interest of the country first,” Colonial’s CEO told Congress. “I believe with all my heart [paying the ransom] was the right choice to make, but I want to respect those who see this issue differently.”

Revealed: Secret FBI Cyber Op To Clean Exchange Servers

Revealed: Secret FBI Cyber Op To Clean Exchange Servers
Revealed: Secret FBI Cyber Op To Clean Exchange Servers

This operation — which involved the FBI removing malware from privately owned and operated victim servers without advance notice — could be unprecedented, at least at this scale.