Ukraine, rushing into ‘digital transformation,’ prepares for more Russian cyber attacks: Officials

Ukraine, rushing into ‘digital transformation,’ prepares for more Russian cyber attacks: Officials
Ukraine, rushing into ‘digital transformation,’ prepares for more Russian cyber attacks: Officials

“This is the world’s first cyber war and Ukraine is successfully dealing with it,” said Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s deputy prime minister and minister for digital transformation. “We’ve shown the whole world that Russia is not such a powerful state as everyone thought.” 

SolarWinds Hack: ‘The Truth Is Much More Complicated’

SolarWinds Hack: ‘The Truth Is Much More Complicated’
SolarWinds Hack: ‘The Truth Is Much More Complicated’

SolarWinds threat actor reportedly accessed DHS emails and DoE schedules. Cyberespionage campaigns are “the types of things we should expect [Russia] to do,” one cybersecurity expert observed. “I’m not arguing we shouldn’t have a response. We should respond. …My only argument is that we should not overact.”