In first, UK test fires $13-per-strike DragonFire laser weapon against ‘aerial targets’

In first, UK test fires $13-per-strike DragonFire laser weapon against ‘aerial targets’
In first, UK test fires $13-per-strike DragonFire laser weapon against ‘aerial targets’

The UK lauded the test of the laser air defense weapon, developed by Britain’s defense innovation unit, just weeks after an American admiral said it was time to be more “intellectually honnest” about what the class of weapons can do.

UK’s DragonFire laser system takes out drone, metal targets in latest test

UK’s DragonFire laser system takes out drone, metal targets in latest test
UK’s DragonFire laser system takes out drone, metal targets in latest test

Breaking Defense reviewed video of the laser disabling a quadcopter UAV, part of tests that show directed energy system could be “viable.”