Space Force, NRO approach key milestone for GMTI as other programs fall behind: Calvelli

Space Force, NRO approach key milestone for GMTI as other programs fall behind: Calvelli
Space Force, NRO approach key milestone for GMTI as other programs fall behind: Calvelli

With apparent frustration with another program, Space Force acquisition chief Frank Calvelli asked, “What I don’t get… [is] why would somebody want to have this sort of reputation-ruining stain in the papers all the time?”

Lawmakers Throw Wrench Into Air Force ISR Divestment Plan

Lawmakers Throw Wrench Into Air Force ISR Divestment Plan
Lawmakers Throw Wrench Into Air Force ISR Divestment Plan

House authorizers threw shade at the service for not heeding long-standing warnings of the potential for a gap in tactical aircraft availability.

Aircraft Readiness Is Bad & Getting Worse: GAO

Aircraft Readiness Is Bad & Getting Worse: GAO
Aircraft Readiness Is Bad & Getting Worse: GAO

Of 46 types of aircraft surveyed – from the new F-35 to the aging JSTARS – not one met the Pentagon’s goal of being 80 percent “mission capable.” Most of them, in fact, keep getting worse.

Air Force Eyes Moving Older F-22s From Training To Combat Units

Air Force Eyes Moving Older F-22s From Training To Combat Units
Air Force Eyes Moving Older F-22s From Training To Combat Units

“There are a lot of requirements out there and we could use everything we had and a little bit more,” says ACC head Gen. Mike Holmes, but “we need to put some priority on modernization.”

What Aircraft May Die To Fund Goldfein’s Future?

What Aircraft May Die To Fund Goldfein’s Future?
What Aircraft May Die To Fund Goldfein’s Future?

Although retiring the B-2 fleet could save the Air Force nearly $3 billion, CSIS cautions that doing so “would leave the nation without a long-range penetrating strike aircraft and would weaken the airborne component of the nuclear triad.” 

HASC Rejects JSTARS Recap, Speeds Up Ships

HASC Rejects JSTARS Recap, Speeds Up Ships
HASC Rejects JSTARS Recap, Speeds Up Ships

The House Armed Services Committee rejected the Air Force’s strategy to replace the E-8 JSTARS and questioned its plan for the EC-130H Compass Call, even as it accelerated Navy shipbuilding.

Sen. Reed Presses Wilson, Goldfein On JSTARS Plans

Sen. Reed Presses Wilson, Goldfein On JSTARS Plans
Sen. Reed Presses Wilson, Goldfein On JSTARS Plans

In a hearing this morning, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Jack Reed, said he’s skeptical about the current plan to retire the JSTARS radar surveillance plane because the Air Force has been inconsistent, not just about JSTARS, but a host of other programs.

Don’t Delay JSTARS Replacement: Rep. Austin Scott

Don’t Delay JSTARS Replacement: Rep. Austin Scott
Don’t Delay JSTARS Replacement: Rep. Austin Scott

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee and a proponent of the JSTARS radar plane since arriving in Congress, I am alarmed by the undercurrent of discussion within Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) considering delaying the Next Generation JSTARS acquisition program. This is in stark contrast to the support for JSTARS…