CAPE’s TacAir ‘Affordability’ Insights Out In Fall

CAPE’s TacAir ‘Affordability’ Insights Out In Fall
CAPE’s TacAir ‘Affordability’ Insights Out In Fall

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is “critical to being able to execute the emerging operational concepts” being honed by the Joint Staff for future conflict, Joseph Nogueira, acting CAPE director, says.

Air Force ‘Not There Yet’ On Key Hurdle For Digital Revolution

Air Force ‘Not There Yet’ On Key Hurdle For Digital Revolution
Air Force ‘Not There Yet’ On Key Hurdle For Digital Revolution

Darlene Costello, acting Air Force acquisition head, has issued a guidance document, called the Digital Building Code, for implementing the service’s ambitious digital revolution.

BAE Starts EPAWSS Jamming Suite Production For F-15EX

BAE Starts EPAWSS Jamming Suite Production For F-15EX
BAE Starts EPAWSS Jamming Suite Production For F-15EX

The Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS) will let pilots to monitor, jam and deceive threats in contested airspace.