EUCOM asks for $83 million for air base defense in FY25 unfunded wish list

EUCOM asks for $83 million for air base defense in FY25 unfunded wish list
EUCOM asks for $83 million for air base defense in FY25 unfunded wish list

The air base defense priority is the largest of the three items EUCOM listed, with almost $67 million needed for additional sensors that would plug into the Air Force’s base defense network.

Space Force gets a new command, new geographic component in latest reorg

Space Force gets a new command, new geographic component in latest reorg
Space Force gets a new command, new geographic component in latest reorg

CSO Gen. Chance Saltzman said that the service is already looking at “criteria and processes” for future changes to integrate operations and sustainment, and better align with acquisition efforts.

Space Force prototypes new ‘integrated’ Deltas for readiness boost

Space Force prototypes new ‘integrated’ Deltas for readiness boost
Space Force prototypes new ‘integrated’ Deltas for readiness boost

The two new Integrated Mission Deltas will be responsible for all aspects of electronic warfare and positioning, navigation and timing.

After Ukraine invasion, NATO aligning strategy with ‘regional plans’: Former SACEUR

After Ukraine invasion, NATO aligning strategy with ‘regional plans’: Former SACEUR
After Ukraine invasion, NATO aligning strategy with ‘regional plans’: Former SACEUR

NATO likely will maintain a “semi-permanent” presence in Eastern Europe for many years to come, said retired Gen. Tod Wolters, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe.

Space Force, Pentagon still hashing out service’s presence in theater commands

Space Force, Pentagon still hashing out service’s presence in theater commands
Space Force, Pentagon still hashing out service’s presence in theater commands

With an eye on China, the plan is to start in the Indo-Pacific, Lt. Gen. Chance Saltzman, deputy chief of space operations, cyber and nuclear, told the Defense Writers Group.

EUCOM to Poles: forget the MiGs, stick with anti-air & tank weapons for Ukraine

EUCOM to Poles: forget the MiGs, stick with anti-air & tank weapons for Ukraine
EUCOM to Poles: forget the MiGs, stick with anti-air & tank weapons for Ukraine

The transfer of MiG-29s to Ukraine “may be mistaken as escalatory and could result in Russian escalation with NATO…producing a high risk scenario,” Gen. Wolters said, so his command “has no plans to facilitate an indirect, or third party transfer of Polish aircraft.”

Norway, US Bolster Russian Sub Watching With New Bases

Norway, US Bolster Russian Sub Watching With New Bases
Norway, US Bolster Russian Sub Watching With New Bases

The US government will pay for all facilities it builds on Norwegian soil, and will not permanently base any troops there, officials in Oslo were quick to point out.

Air Force Culls ABMS Experiment After Budget Cut

Air Force Culls ABMS Experiment After Budget Cut
Air Force Culls ABMS Experiment After Budget Cut

The sixth ABMS onramp “was going to be in partnership with Australia, and allies and partners, in the Pacific Rim,” Air Force Chief Architect Preston Dunlap said, but “just due to the budget constraints, we had to pull the plug on that.”

No ‘New Cold War’ As US Bombers Move Into Norwegian Base

No ‘New Cold War’ As US Bombers Move Into Norwegian Base
No ‘New Cold War’ As US Bombers Move Into Norwegian Base

“I guess if someone were to take a message [from the basing agreement]  it’s that we’re not restricted to one particular location,” said Gen. Steven Basham, deputy commander of Air Forces in Europe/Africa.

Biden Briefed On Pentagon Reassessment Of China Policy

Biden Briefed On Pentagon Reassessment Of China Policy
Biden Briefed On Pentagon Reassessment Of China Policy

President Biden said at the Pentagon today that the review will “chart a strong path forward on China-related matters.”

Trump’s German Withdrawal Plans ‘Extremely Expensive’

Trump’s German Withdrawal Plans ‘Extremely Expensive’
Trump’s German Withdrawal Plans ‘Extremely Expensive’

President Trump proposed re-stationing 11,900 US troops from Germany back in July. The redeployment of some to other European countries, with others coming home produced an avalanche of criticism. Although Defense Secretary Mark Esper tried to put a strategic spin on the moves, the president promptly undermined him. Then, representatives of the administration went before Congress…

Modernize The National Guard’s State Partnership Program

Modernize The National Guard’s State Partnership Program
Modernize The National Guard’s State Partnership Program

Low-key deployments by citizen-soldiers have strengthened ties with 89 nations – but some crucial partners are missing.

Poland Wraps Deal For Permanent US Troops, Drones, Special Ops

Poland Wraps Deal For Permanent US Troops, Drones, Special Ops
Poland Wraps Deal For Permanent US Troops, Drones, Special Ops

Poland is excited to have more US troops on the way, but military leaders warned this week that the effort to move 12,000 US troops out of Germany will take months for the planning along.

Trump Contradicts SecDef On Germany Withdrawal

Trump Contradicts SecDef On Germany Withdrawal
Trump Contradicts SecDef On Germany Withdrawal

Defense Secretary Mark Esper portrayed the plan as a strategic shift. President Trump said, “we’re reducing the force because [Germany is] not paying their bills.” Criticism from both sides of the aisle was swift.