Boeing offers F-15EX for Poland, but details are scant

Boeing offers F-15EX for Poland, but details are scant
Boeing offers F-15EX for Poland, but details are scant

Boeing declined to talk about “price and delivery schedule” on a potential F-15EX sale to Warsaw, but clearly has high hopes for Poland as a market.

Indonesia commits to buying ‘up to 24’ F-15EXs from Boeing

Indonesia commits to buying ‘up to 24’ F-15EXs from Boeing
Indonesia commits to buying ‘up to 24’ F-15EXs from Boeing

Indonesian and Boeing representatives signed a memorandum of understanding for the advanced version of the F-15, but did not specify timelines or pricetags.

Boeing backs away from pricetag pledge for upcoming F-15EX production lots

Boeing backs away from pricetag pledge for upcoming F-15EX production lots
Boeing backs away from pricetag pledge for upcoming F-15EX production lots

Last year a Boeing executive stated that the sticker price for lots 2 and 3 of the modernized F-15s would be beneath $80 million, but calculations appear to have changed.

Air Force benchmark of 72 annual fighter purchases could be difficult in years to come: General

Air Force benchmark of 72 annual fighter purchases could be difficult in years to come: General
Air Force benchmark of 72 annual fighter purchases could be difficult in years to come: General

Lt. Gen. Richard Moore, Air Force deputy chief of staff for plans and programs, also defended the Air Force’s urge to mothball some old F-22s, citing the high cost to maintain the non-combat fighters.

Israel formally requests 25 F-15 EX from the US: Sources

Israel formally requests 25 F-15 EX from the US: Sources
Israel formally requests 25 F-15 EX from the US: Sources

Jerusalem previously expressed interest in the F-15s, along with F-35s, but political instability delayed the official move.

Air National Guard director wants boost to F-15EX buy

Air National Guard director wants boost to F-15EX buy
Air National Guard director wants boost to F-15EX buy

“Some people are still looking at this as a 1970s-technology aircraft. It is not,” Lt. Gen. Michael Loh, head of the Air National Guard, said of the F-15EX.

Despite cuts, HH-60W and F-15EX not at risk of ‘critical’ budgetary breach, cancellation

Despite cuts, HH-60W and F-15EX not at risk of ‘critical’ budgetary breach, cancellation
Despite cuts, HH-60W and F-15EX not at risk of ‘critical’ budgetary breach, cancellation

The Air Force announced major cuts for both programs as part of the fiscal 2023 budget release.

Despite inflation woes, Boeing says it can maintain $80M unit cost for F-15EX

Despite inflation woes, Boeing says it can maintain $80M unit cost for F-15EX
Despite inflation woes, Boeing says it can maintain $80M unit cost for F-15EX

Boeing’s Steve Parker said he expects a contract for F-15EX lot 2 and 3 “will be at the advertised price” when it is finalized in a couple months. The price claim comes after lawmakers bemoaned lack of oversight on unit costs for the fighter.

Air Force to name newest hypersonic weapon maker by September

Air Force to name newest hypersonic weapon maker by September
Air Force to name newest hypersonic weapon maker by September

The Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile program, although nascent, is “going pretty well,” program executive Brig. Gen. Heath Collins told Breaking Defense in an exclusive interview.

Air Force’s math on the F-15EX and F-35 doesn’t add up

Air Force’s math on the F-15EX and F-35 doesn’t add up
Air Force’s math on the F-15EX and F-35 doesn’t add up

In a new op-ed, JV Venable of the Heritage Foundation goes deep on Air Force budget figures to answer the question of which is more expenses, the F-35A or F-15EX.

Air Force’s nuclear modernization bill is cramping fighter jet procurement

Air Force’s nuclear modernization bill is cramping fighter jet procurement
Air Force’s nuclear modernization bill is cramping fighter jet procurement

“Ideally, I’d like to get to higher [fighter procurement rates],” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown said. “If I had a big blank check, I’d actually take care of it all.”

F-35 cuts, F-15 boost, and E-3 replacement: Air Force’s $170B budget makes big moves in FY23

F-35 cuts, F-15 boost, and E-3 replacement: Air Force’s $170B budget makes big moves in FY23
F-35 cuts, F-15 boost, and E-3 replacement: Air Force’s $170B budget makes big moves in FY23

According to two sources with knowledge of the matter, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall had tasked the service’s budget corps to consider cancelling the F-15EX. Instead, it will receive a plus-up in the FY23 request.

Saudi Chinook delivery on schedule, Boeing turns eyes to F-15 upgrades

Saudi Chinook delivery on schedule, Boeing turns eyes to F-15 upgrades
Saudi Chinook delivery on schedule, Boeing turns eyes to F-15 upgrades

A Boeing executive said the Saudis have successful used their F-15SA to “kill” cruise missiles fired by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias in Yemen, a missile defense capability that the Kingdom needs.

State Department approves $13B F-15EX sale to Indonesia, on heels of Rafale deal

State Department approves $13B F-15EX sale to Indonesia, on heels of Rafale deal
State Department approves $13B F-15EX sale to Indonesia, on heels of Rafale deal

Indonesian Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto had previously indicated that Indonesia was interested in buying both Rafales and the F-15EX, as part of a major defense spending increase planned for the coming decades.