Inside Ukraine, startups try to edge Russia in the electronic warfare race

Inside Ukraine, startups try to edge Russia in the electronic warfare race
Inside Ukraine, startups try to edge Russia in the electronic warfare race

On the ground in Ukraine, Breaking Defense got a close-up look at a trio of startups taking the lessons from the front and trying to give Kyiv an edge in the ongoing electronic warfare duel with Russia’s forces.

6 months after fatal V-22 crash, an Air Force Osprey squadron in Japan prepares to fly again

6 months after fatal V-22 crash, an Air Force Osprey squadron in Japan prepares to fly again
6 months after fatal V-22 crash, an Air Force Osprey squadron in Japan prepares to fly again

“It’s our vocation to go fly this thing,” said 21st Special Operations Squadron commander Lt. Col. Matt Davis in his first interview since a V-22 crash killed eight servicemembers in November.

Inside the US Army’s race to apply Ukraine lessons to future Abrams, Bradley replacement

Inside the US Army’s race to apply Ukraine lessons to future Abrams, Bradley replacement
Inside the US Army’s race to apply Ukraine lessons to future Abrams, Bradley replacement

The US Army is working to design two new ground vehicles – and is trying to adjust on the fly to the threats from loitering munitions, a top general tells Breaking Defense.

Space Force, IC’s battle over commercial ISR reignites as appropriators add fuel

Space Force, IC’s battle over commercial ISR reignites as appropriators add fuel
Space Force, IC’s battle over commercial ISR reignites as appropriators add fuel

More than a dozen sources tell Breaking Defense that tensions between the NGA and Space Force are rising on commercial ISR, with White House officials watching closely.

EXCLUSIVE: Inside the Foundry, the Navy’s program to modernize hardware across the surface fleet

EXCLUSIVE: Inside the Foundry, the Navy’s program to modernize hardware across the surface fleet
EXCLUSIVE: Inside the Foundry, the Navy’s program to modernize hardware across the surface fleet

Breaking Defense was given exclusive access to the Foundry, the US Navy’s office developing its Integrated Combat System, vital for the surface fleet.

Uncharted waters: Navy navigating first-ever dismantling of nuclear-powered carrier

Uncharted waters: Navy navigating first-ever dismantling of nuclear-powered carrier
Uncharted waters: Navy navigating first-ever dismantling of nuclear-powered carrier

The challenges for the Navy to dispose of the former USS Enterprise have driven the service to stand up a new office to deal both with “The Big E” and the pipeline of Nimitz-class carriers to come.

Army’s pricey IVAS goggles meet a training obstacle: Doors

Army’s pricey IVAS goggles meet a training obstacle: Doors
Army’s pricey IVAS goggles meet a training obstacle: Doors

The Army is trying to mitigate “occlusion” problems for soldiers using Microsoft’s high-priced augmented reality system to spawn (and then kill) virtual “enemies” behind real objects.

Better, but still ‘whack-a-mole’: IT industry adapts to supply chain problems, for now

Better, but still ‘whack-a-mole’: IT industry adapts to supply chain problems, for now
Better, but still ‘whack-a-mole’: IT industry adapts to supply chain problems, for now

While key executives tell Breaking Defense they have adjusted to the new normal, experts worry IT supply chain vulnerabilities could be exploited in the future by adversarial nations.

Last stand for IVAS? New challenges, delays as Army debates future of augmented reality goggles

Last stand for IVAS? New challenges, delays as Army debates future of augmented reality goggles
Last stand for IVAS? New challenges, delays as Army debates future of augmented reality goggles

Two key program managers tell Breaking Defense the future pathway for the program – and reveal that the Army has not fielded a single 1.0 version of the heads-up display because it doesn’t have the funding and hasn’t decided where those devices should be sent.

Short on amphibs for Turkey, Sudan, the Marines grapple with crisis response ethos

Short on amphibs for Turkey, Sudan, the Marines grapple with crisis response ethos
Short on amphibs for Turkey, Sudan, the Marines grapple with crisis response ethos

“When things like Turkey or [Sudan] come up, and other aspects of the US Joint Force are responding, it’s uncomfortable because [the Marines] look at it as something that historically they have done,” said one analyst.

Zero Trust is the Pentagon’s new cyber buzzword. It might not have stopped the Discord leaks.

Zero Trust is the Pentagon’s new cyber buzzword. It might not have stopped the Discord leaks.
Zero Trust is the Pentagon’s new cyber buzzword. It might not have stopped the Discord leaks.

When it comes to zero trust, there’s “a lot of buzz” on things like secure facilities and networks, but not as much emphasis on “how do we watch and make sure it’s staying that way,” one expert said.

‘Up our game’: The Pentagon’s 3 strategies to shore up munitions stockpiles

‘Up our game’: The Pentagon’s 3 strategies to shore up munitions stockpiles
‘Up our game’: The Pentagon’s 3 strategies to shore up munitions stockpiles

With the war in Ukraine raging, missile and other munition production seems like a sure bet. But the Pentagon knows industry is wary of getting burned should attitudes change and is trying to offer novel reassurances.

Economic troubles could put UK in firing line of more defense takeovers

Economic troubles could put UK in firing line of more defense takeovers
Economic troubles could put UK in firing line of more defense takeovers

New UK defense takeovers “are a real and present danger, especially for mid-tier suppliers, who appear to be particularly vulnerable,” said Andrew Kinniburgh, director general at Make UK Defense, a manufacturing advisory body.

Why a small shipyard merger could signal bigger problems for the US military

Why a small shipyard merger could signal bigger problems for the US military
Why a small shipyard merger could signal bigger problems for the US military

Bollinger’s CEO says the deal has strengthened his company’s standing in the industrial base, but analysts worry the merger is a bellwether for more consolidation to come – which could impact the Pentagon’s shipbuilding plans.