Russia’s Strategy, ISIS’ Future & Countering China: CJCS Dunford Speaks

Russia’s Strategy, ISIS’ Future & Countering China: CJCS Dunford Speaks
Russia’s Strategy, ISIS’ Future & Countering China: CJCS Dunford Speaks

  Gen. Joe Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Staff, spoke last week with a small group of traveling reporters after attending a conference of NATO Military Chiefs in Warsaw, including Breaking Defense contributor James Kitfield. Dunford described Russia’s strategy for pulling NATO apart and reiterated that Moscow poses the single greatest global threat to the UnIted…

Pentagon Ramps Up Civilian Hiring; Other Agencies Get Cut

Pentagon Ramps Up Civilian Hiring; Other Agencies Get Cut
Pentagon Ramps Up Civilian Hiring; Other Agencies Get Cut

Given the two-year break from sequestration, the Pentagon is hurrying up to hire civilians to push the modernization of the force to head off advances by China and Russia, a new DoD strategy document says.

Navy Looks Outside Budget To Help Build New Boomers

Navy Looks Outside Budget To Help Build New Boomers
Navy Looks Outside Budget To Help Build New Boomers

The Navy is moving ahead with its Ohio replacement submarines, and is using a little-noticed budgetary gimmick to pay for some of it.

Fights Over DoD Bureauracy, Space Force Makes Tensions Flare on HASC

Fights Over DoD Bureauracy, Space Force Makes Tensions Flare on HASC
Fights Over DoD Bureauracy, Space Force Makes Tensions Flare on HASC

House Armed Services Committee pushes through most of the Trump administration’s budget requests, absent some of the usual fights. But the return of sequester looms large in 2020.

Whack 7 DoD Agencies, HASC Chair’s Bill Proposes

Whack 7 DoD Agencies, HASC Chair’s Bill Proposes
Whack 7 DoD Agencies, HASC Chair’s Bill Proposes

Pentagon brass are taking a look at what chaff can be cut in order to push along weapons systems like lasers and hypersonics. And they have some powerful Capitol Hill allies.