Austin To Scrub US Pacific Posture; More Bases, Troops Likely

Austin To Scrub US Pacific Posture; More Bases, Troops Likely
Austin To Scrub US Pacific Posture; More Bases, Troops Likely

The United States must do more to counter China’s “aggressive and coercive actions,” which Biden’s presumptive Defense Secretary calls “an increasingly urgent challenge to our vital interests in the Indo-Pacific region and around the world.”

Fast Deployments Deter Better Than Bases: Stimson

Fast Deployments Deter Better Than Bases: Stimson
Fast Deployments Deter Better Than Bases: Stimson

The data show the deployment of an amphibious ready group was effective, as was the movement of an aircraft carrier strike group. Deploying ground forces and land-based air forces in significant numbers also were effective attention-getters.

Allies And 21st Century Weapons: The F-35 Comes To Europe

Allies And 21st Century Weapons: The F-35 Comes To Europe
Allies And 21st Century Weapons: The F-35 Comes To Europe

A key dynamic in the shift from COIN-centric land wars to a twenty-first century combat force is what the US and its closest allies will learn from each other thanks to the core weapons systems they are buying at the same time. Hidden in plain view is the emergence of a significant driver of change  –- flying the same…

What New Defense Secretary Panetta Must Do

The Pentagon brass, civilian suits, contractors, and lobbyists are jockeying for position in the fight for the status quo in anticipation of Mr. Panetta’s arrival in the Office of Secretary of Defense. Yet, senior leaders do so at their own peril. This is not Leon Panetta’s first Washington rodeo. He has seen this Potomac movie…