Keep moving or die: Army will overhaul network for rapid maneuver in big wars

Keep moving or die: Army will overhaul network for rapid maneuver in big wars
Keep moving or die: Army will overhaul network for rapid maneuver in big wars

The Army has nixed future “Capability Set” upgrade packages for brigade networks in favor of smaller, more frequent updates, with the most complex technology reserved for division and corps HQs.

Army Soldier Tech Team Seeks Hill’s Trust After Cuts

Army Soldier Tech Team Seeks Hill’s Trust After Cuts
Army Soldier Tech Team Seeks Hill’s Trust After Cuts

After skeptical staffers slammed the IVAS targeting goggles, the Army generals responsible have been emphasizing their solicitousness towards Congress.

Soldiers, Coders Surprise Army Brass By Changing IVAS Goggles

Soldiers, Coders Surprise Army Brass By Changing IVAS Goggles
Soldiers, Coders Surprise Army Brass By Changing IVAS Goggles

Young grunts and Microsoft engineers are driving refinements to the new IVAS goggles that often surprise their superiors. Has the Army finally found a better way to develop weapons?

Wearing The Network To War

Wearing The Network To War
Wearing The Network To War

Army foot soldiers are going into battle with more and more electronics, wirelessly networked both to each other and to distant command posts. So can GI Joe be hacked?