Pull US Troops Out of Turkey: Former EUCOM Deputy

Pull US Troops Out of Turkey: Former EUCOM Deputy
Pull US Troops Out of Turkey: Former EUCOM Deputy

It has become increasingly apparent that Turkey has operated against U.S. interests in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean. It hindered American military operations against ISIS in Syria, set back progress in the long-running Cypriot peace negotiations in 2014 and 2017, and purchased Russia’s S-400 air defense system.

Deloitte Details Bleak Outlook For Global Defense Industry

Deloitte Details Bleak Outlook For Global Defense Industry
Deloitte Details Bleak Outlook For Global Defense Industry

Deloitte LLP’s 2013 “Global Defense Outlook,” released today, is basically all bad news. Even the silver linings turned to lead when we talked them over this morning with the chief of the defense practice at the giant consulting firm, retired Air Force Gen. Charles Wald. As US defense spending staggers, there are some other places…