Russian Robots Attack! West Point Comic’s (Plausible) Future War

“Is this possible? Probably,” one retired Army officer told me. “Are the Russians trying to figure out how to disable all the M1s so they can run over us with their robots? I hope that’s where they’re spending their time.”

Skeptics Ask: Can Army Field Armed Robots By 2024?

Skeptics Ask: Can Army Field Armed Robots By 2024?
Skeptics Ask: Can Army Field Armed Robots By 2024?

What mission does the Army really need armed robots for — expendable scouts, perhaps, or supplementary fire support? And does buying robots for that role really offer more tactical value than spending the same money on mundane upgrades to, say, self-propelled artillery?

Army Wants Armed Ground Robot Prototype by 2019

Army Wants Armed Ground Robot Prototype by 2019
Army Wants Armed Ground Robot Prototype by 2019

The new combat vehicles must be “optimized for fighting in dense urban terrain.” Fighting in narrow streets, in turn, requires smaller vehicles than the massive M1 — and one way to reduce weight is to take the humans out.