Too Many Generals In Trump Administration?

Too Many Generals In Trump Administration?
Too Many Generals In Trump Administration?

President Donald Trump named retired Marine Gen. Jim Mattis as Defense Secretary, the highest-ranking civilian position in the Pentagon. Retired Marine Gen. John Kelly was named first to head the Homeland Security Department and then replaced Reince Priebus as White House Chief of Staff. Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster replaced Air Force Gen. Mike Flynn…

Trump’s Generals: A Breaking Defense eBook

Trump’s Generals: A Breaking Defense eBook
Trump’s Generals: A Breaking Defense eBook

Mike Flynn: You’re fired! H.R. McMaster, Jim Mattis, John Kelly: You’re hired!

Flynn Appears To Hint At Cutting NSC Staff; Rice Says Size Matters Less

Flynn Appears To Hint At Cutting NSC Staff; Rice Says Size Matters Less
Flynn Appears To Hint At Cutting NSC Staff; Rice Says Size Matters Less

WASHINGTON: Incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn issued a ringing endorsement today of American exceptionalism and declared, “we have always been the indispensable nation and we always will be.” Flynn also appeared to hint at plans, supported by most GOP defense lawmakers, to reduce the size of the National Security Council staff. Without providing any details, Flynn…

Trump’s Generals, Part 3: Mike Flynn vs. Al-Qaeda

Trump’s Generals, Part 3: Mike Flynn vs. Al-Qaeda
Trump’s Generals, Part 3: Mike Flynn vs. Al-Qaeda

Who are Trump’s generals? Earlier this week, James Kitfield showed us the common crucible that shaped as a group and then profiled James Mattis, the prospective Secretary of Defense. Today, Kitfield tackles Trump’s most controversial general, intelligence officer turned political firebrand Michael Flynn. “Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will not be defeated in…

Trump’s Generals: How Wartime Service Shaped Mattis, Kelly, & Flynn

Trump’s Generals: How Wartime Service Shaped Mattis, Kelly, & Flynn
Trump’s Generals: How Wartime Service Shaped Mattis, Kelly, & Flynn

Among the many anxieties inspired by the rise of Trump, one of the most profound is his fondness for generals. Does naming so many retired military men to top positions undermine the principal of civilian control? How might their shared experiences in our post-9/11 conflicts shape the way they govern? This week, award-winning defense reporter…

Trump’s Pentagon, Trump’s World; Defense Stocks Soar

Trump’s Pentagon, Trump’s World; Defense Stocks Soar
Trump’s Pentagon, Trump’s World; Defense Stocks Soar

WASHINGTON: Hope for the best; prepare for the worst. It’s a standard military prescription for dealing with a sometimes hostile and usually unpredictable world. It’s also what an African-American chum told me this morning was his plan for life under President Trump. This guy is a fellow Chicagoan and Cubs fan, so he knows how to…

What’s Eating Bill McRaven: Is Congress Too Ignorant Of The Military?

What’s Eating Bill McRaven: Is Congress Too Ignorant Of The Military?
What’s Eating Bill McRaven: Is Congress Too Ignorant Of The Military?

The US military is still at war but Washington is not. The resulting tensions are eroding the fundamental compact between America’s warrior and political classes. The recent op-ed by retired Adm. William McRaven, former head of Special Operations Command and the man who led the strike against Osama Bin Laden, might have caused a national furor…

Flynn’s Last Interview: Iconoclast Departs DIA With A Warning

Flynn’s Last Interview: Iconoclast Departs DIA With A Warning
Flynn’s Last Interview: Iconoclast Departs DIA With A Warning

In this exclusive exit interview with Breaking Defense contributor James Kitfield, the outgoing chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, talks about metastasizing Islamic terrorism, his struggles to reform intelligence-gathering, and the risk of lurching from crisis to crisis in an Internet-accelerated world.  – the editors. “Disruptive.” That’s how Michael Flynn’s enemies…

US Flying Blind To Looming Terror Plots

US Flying Blind To Looming Terror Plots
US Flying Blind To Looming Terror Plots

There’s an old trope in intelligence circles that defenders have to be right all the time, while the terrorists only need to get lucky once to execute a successful attack. The knowledge that no one is right all the time makes most counterterrorism experts cautiously pessimistic about the likelihood of another successful terrorist attack on…

NGA Chief Moves $Millions To Build Futuristic Intel Tools: The Globe

NGA Chief Moves $Millions To Build Futuristic Intel Tools: The Globe
NGA Chief Moves $Millions To Build Futuristic Intel Tools: The Globe

TAMPA: It’s the stuff of science fiction: intelligence analysts hands spinning a shimmering virtual globe and pulling strands of complex streams of data over it to build a three-dimensional planning model which they can share with soldiers on the battlefield. It’s clear the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency is nowhere near deploying such capabilities, but its…

The Intelligence Sequestration Blues: Rogers, Clapper & Flynn

WASHINGTON: They could have a decent career singing the sequestration lament in 4/4 time. Three of the top men in American intelligence brought it home yesterday, wailing the sequestration blues. OK, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s speech sometimes lacked rhythmn. But Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, hit…