Taiwan, Trump, & The Pacific Defense Grid: Towards Deterrence In Depth

Taiwan, Trump, & The Pacific Defense Grid: Towards Deterrence In Depth
Taiwan, Trump, & The Pacific Defense Grid: Towards Deterrence In Depth

The phone call between President-elect Trump and the President of Taiwan sent shock waves through the diplomatic community. But it is time to turn the page and include Taiwan in shaping a 21st century deterrence strategy for Pacific defense. The People’s Republic of China has made it clear that the regime is moving out into…

China, Korea, & The F-35: Reshaping US Forces For A Pacific Strategy

If the US fails to innovate in its re-shaping of its forces in the Pacific, it cannot effectively play the crucial role which is essential to a strategy focused on our allies. Without innovation, the US cannot protect its interests in the Pacific, ranging from the Arctic to Australia, and will lose the significant economic…