DNI Clapper IDs China As ‘The Leading Suspect’ In OPM Hacks; Russia ‘More Subtle’

DNI Clapper IDs China As ‘The Leading Suspect’ In OPM Hacks; Russia ‘More Subtle’
DNI Clapper IDs China As ‘The Leading Suspect’ In OPM Hacks; Russia ‘More Subtle’

GEOINT: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper identified China today as “the leading suspect” in the two sweeping hacks of the Office of Personnel Management, one day after NSA Director Adm. Mike Rogers dodged the issue. In Clapper’s first answer to a question about who is responsible for the OPM hacks, he laid the blame squarely on China. “On the…

NSA’s Rogers Won’t Say China Did OPM Hack

NSA’s Rogers Won’t Say China Did OPM Hack
NSA’s Rogers Won’t Say China Did OPM Hack

GEOINT: NSA Director Adm. Mike Rogers pointedly declined today to confirm whether China was behind the massive Office of Personnel Management hacks. “So what really makes you think that, as the head of NSA and Cyber Com, I’m going to talk with you about this,” he told a reporter here today. Breaking D readers can…

Work Unveils First Space Ops Center For Intel Community And Military

Work Unveils First Space Ops Center For Intel Community And Military
Work Unveils First Space Ops Center For Intel Community And Military

GEOINT: For the first time, all the nation’s spy satellites and the military’s satellites will be tracked from a single   location, allowing the two communities to develop tactics, techniques and procedures together, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work said here today. “But the thing we need most is a space operations center, and we are intent…