Russia Suspends Military NATO Office After Espionage Accusations

Russia Suspends Military NATO Office After Espionage Accusations
Russia Suspends Military NATO Office After Espionage Accusations

The Russian foreign ministry alleged NATO’s “policy towards Russia is becoming increasingly more aggressive,” and called the expulsion of its officers, as well as the downsizing of the liaison mission “unfriendly gestures.”

NATO Must ‘Step Up’ For Aspirant Members, Not Bow To Russia: Stoltenberg

NATO Must ‘Step Up’ For Aspirant Members, Not Bow To Russia: Stoltenberg
NATO Must ‘Step Up’ For Aspirant Members, Not Bow To Russia: Stoltenberg

“The whole idea that you know, it’s a provocation to Russia that small neighbors join NATO is absolutely wrong. That’s the provocation — that anyone is saying that,” Stoltenberg said.

‘Our Greatest Challenge’: CJCS Gen. Dunford

‘Our Greatest Challenge’: CJCS Gen. Dunford
‘Our Greatest Challenge’: CJCS Gen. Dunford

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford came of age on the battlefields of America’s post-9/11 wars. As a colonel, he led the 5th Marine Regiment during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, earning his nickname of “Fighting Joe” Dunford. Later, he commanded all U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan as commander of the…

No First Use: Don’t Do It, Mr. President!

No First Use: Don’t Do It, Mr. President!
No First Use: Don’t Do It, Mr. President!

Don’t do it, Mr. President. Don’t promise that the US will never be the first to use nuclear weapons. And don’t give credence to that “hair trigger” fol-de-rol. De-alerting and no-first-use might appear to be good stabilizing measures, but in practice they seem sure to reduce security, undercut stability, and encourage Russia, China, and, eventually,…

Is Winter Coming? Or, Our Russia Strategy

Is Winter Coming? Or, Our Russia Strategy
Is Winter Coming? Or, Our Russia Strategy

In Washington, and across the globe, many ask if Russian actions represent a new challenge to international order, and, if so, what is the best course of action to respond to it. Defense Secretary Ash Carter cited Russian military intervention in Ukraine, Georgia, and most recently, Syria in his speech at the Reagan Defense Forum…

Will Army Troop Cuts Be Congress’s Wake-Up Call On Sequestration?

Will Army Troop Cuts Be Congress’s Wake-Up Call On Sequestration?
Will Army Troop Cuts Be Congress’s Wake-Up Call On Sequestration?

WASHINGTON: Army officers and officials hit Capitol Hill this afternoon to brief congressional staff on the coming round of personnel cuts. We’ve known for over a year that the Army would cut 40,000 active-duty soldiers — going down from 490,000 troops to 450,000 — but now the service is finally saying which units get cut. Further,…

Putin Won’t Blitz Baltic States — But NATO Has A Plan….

Putin Won’t Blitz Baltic States — But NATO Has A Plan….
Putin Won’t Blitz Baltic States — But NATO Has A Plan….

WASHINGTON: Vladimir Putin won’t blitzkrieg the Baltic states any time soon. It’s not his style, said the commander of the soldiers sent to the three small NATO nations last year to reassure them. That’s good news — especially in light of the bad news: The US effort to shore up its eastern allies and Ukraine,…

Crimean Crisis Plan: Negotiate With Russia, Expand NATO, Give Ukraine Time

Crimean Crisis Plan: Negotiate With Russia, Expand NATO, Give Ukraine Time
Crimean Crisis Plan: Negotiate With Russia, Expand NATO, Give Ukraine Time

The Crimean crisis continues to escalate. Ukraine’s interim government in Kiev and every country except Russia refuses to recognize the Crimean referendum. Ukraine’s interim defense minister Igor Tenyukh called on Ukrainian troops based in Crimea — some barricaded on their bases and some now held hostage by Russian forces — to prepare for war just…

Obama Warns Putin As Elite Russian Troops Patrol Crimea; Airports Shut, Flights Halted

UPDATE: President Obama Warns Russia Against “Military Intervention” In Ukraine “There will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine,” Obama said in a rare unplanned appearance this evening in the White House press room. “We need strong American and European leadership now to forestall any further threats to international peace and stability. Russia’s leaders must…

Cyber Order Puts DHS In Charge Of Oversight, Sets Deadlines

The Obama administration is getting ready to change the way the government handles cybersecurity. The White House is preparing an executive order, a draft of which is currently circulating among federal agencies for approval, mirroring cyber legislation that recently failed to get through a Senate vote. Among other things, the order shunts much of the…