AUSA Fires Back At Air Force: Long-Range Missiles Aren’t ‘Stupid’

AUSA Fires Back At Air Force: Long-Range Missiles Aren’t ‘Stupid’
AUSA Fires Back At Air Force: Long-Range Missiles Aren’t ‘Stupid’

The benefit of diverse and effective long-range precision fires was reinforced by then-U.S. Pacific Command Commander Navy Adm. Harry Harris, who challenged the Army to develop more lethal, long-range precision fires that could not only engage adversary land targets, but also sink ships at sea.

US Sees Little Chance To Save INF Treaty Days Before Deadline

US Sees Little Chance To Save INF Treaty Days Before Deadline
US Sees Little Chance To Save INF Treaty Days Before Deadline

Just back from a unsuccessful round of discussions with her Russian counterparts in Geneva to discuss the Cold war-era accord, Undersecretary of State Andrea Thompson told reporters today she’s not hopeful of saving the INF Treaty before Feb. 2, when time runs out on the 60 days the Trump administration have given Moscow to acknowledge it had violated the treaty.

What Weapons Will The US Build After The INF Treaty?

What Weapons Will The US Build After The INF Treaty?
What Weapons Will The US Build After The INF Treaty?

We explore the possibilities, from cutting-edge hypersonics and 1,000-mile cannon to repackaged Tomahawk cruise missiles and updated Pershing ballstic missiles.

The Rest Of The Story: Trump, DoD & Hill Readied INF Pullout For Years

The Rest Of The Story: Trump, DoD & Hill Readied INF Pullout For Years
The Rest Of The Story: Trump, DoD & Hill Readied INF Pullout For Years

WASHINGTON: Unreleased Pentagon documents and Congressional demands for information reveal that Washington has long planned for the day when the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) with Russia would be ripped up. The report by the Joint Staff and Strategic Command, exclusively obtained by Breaking Defense, make clear that as far back as 2013 — a…