Sen. Warner, Gen. Dunford Question Google, Silicon Valley For Helping China

Sen. Warner, Gen. Dunford Question Google, Silicon Valley For Helping China
Sen. Warner, Gen. Dunford Question Google, Silicon Valley For Helping China

The Pentagon and, increasingly, Congress have grown frustrated with tech giants who shy away from US government work while flocking to Beijing to tap a massive — but authoritarian — market.

Russians Tried to Jam NATO Exercise; Swedes Say They’ve Seen This Before

Russians Tried to Jam NATO Exercise; Swedes Say They’ve Seen This Before
Russians Tried to Jam NATO Exercise; Swedes Say They’ve Seen This Before

The Russians played around at the edges of this month’s Trident Juncture exercise in Norway, but that was to be expected. New moves in the Baltic Sea, however, have some concerned.

China Has Built ‘Great Wall of SAMs’ In Pacific: US Adm. Davidson

China Has Built ‘Great Wall of SAMs’ In Pacific: US Adm. Davidson
China Has Built ‘Great Wall of SAMs’ In Pacific: US Adm. Davidson

From militarized atolls in the South China Sea to a growing Chinese navy looking increasingly aggressive, the head of the Indo-Pacom command lays out his needs and concerns.

Pentagon Frustrated By Silicon Valley Rejection: Joint Chiefs Chairman

Pentagon Frustrated By Silicon Valley Rejection: Joint Chiefs Chairman
Pentagon Frustrated By Silicon Valley Rejection: Joint Chiefs Chairman

HALIFAX: The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs expressed frustration Saturday over the refusal of some tech giants to work with the US military. “I have a hard time with companies that are working very hard to engage in the market inside China,” said Gen. Joe Dunford at the Halifax Security Forum, “then don’t want to work…