Expand National Quantum Initiative to keep up with China, say officials, experts, legislators

Expand National Quantum Initiative to keep up with China, say officials, experts, legislators
Expand National Quantum Initiative to keep up with China, say officials, experts, legislators

With 2018 National Quantum Initiative Act up for renewal, the House Science Committee held a hearing on how to expand the NQI’s support to government, academic, and industry R&D – with Chinese competition much in mind.

Lawmakers Call For Halt To DARPA Program: Robots Repairing Satellites

Lawmakers Call For Halt To DARPA Program: Robots Repairing Satellites
Lawmakers Call For Halt To DARPA Program: Robots Repairing Satellites

WASHINGTON: Three influential House lawmakers have asked DARPA in a Jan. 25 letter to review a robotic space repair program to see if it violates the National Space Policy by competing with private-sector efforts and to put the program on hold until the review is complete. The National Space Policy requires “that the government not build or…