No US Icebreakers Working As USCGC Healy Limps Home

No US Icebreakers Working As USCGC Healy Limps Home
No US Icebreakers Working As USCGC Healy Limps Home

With one icebreaker down, the US has one left in port — with no new ships scheduled to arrive for years.

Coast Guard To Deliver Nuclear Icebreaker Plan to White House

Coast Guard To Deliver Nuclear Icebreaker Plan to White House
Coast Guard To Deliver Nuclear Icebreaker Plan to White House

The plan will include options to lease new breakers or build new nuclear-powered ships as Russia and China leap ahead of US capabilities in the Arctic.

New Navy Secretary Makes Surprise Trip to Norway

New Navy Secretary Makes Surprise Trip to Norway
New Navy Secretary Makes Surprise Trip to Norway

Braithwaite’s travel to Oslo will see him formally relinquish his ambassadorship there, a unique situation that has seen him hold two Senate-confirmed positions simultaneously.  

White House Orders New Icebreaker Strategy For Coast Guard

White House Orders New Icebreaker Strategy For Coast Guard
White House Orders New Icebreaker Strategy For Coast Guard

“I certainly hope the Pentagon is not going to come back after studying this again, saying there’s no need,” for more Arctic infrastructure, said Sen. Dan Sullivan. “The infrastructure is not fine. It doesn’t exist. And we need it to exist.”

Battle For The Arctic: Russia Plans Nuke Icebreaker, US Counters China In Greenland

Battle For The Arctic: Russia Plans Nuke Icebreaker, US Counters China In Greenland
Battle For The Arctic: Russia Plans Nuke Icebreaker, US Counters China In Greenland

US official: “We can expect the rapidly changing Arctic system to create greater incentives for the Kremlin and the PRC to pursue agendas that clash with the interests of the United States.”

Coast Guard Pledges To Manage Russia, China in Arctic

Coast Guard Pledges To Manage Russia, China in Arctic
Coast Guard Pledges To Manage Russia, China in Arctic

The Coast Guard wants to operate more consistently in the Arctic, but has a fraction of the icebreakers that Moscow can deploy.

Chinese Cross Arctic For First Time

What growing naval power has just ventured across the Arctic for the first time? colinclarkaol