Pull US Troops Out of Turkey: Former EUCOM Deputy

Pull US Troops Out of Turkey: Former EUCOM Deputy
Pull US Troops Out of Turkey: Former EUCOM Deputy

It has become increasingly apparent that Turkey has operated against U.S. interests in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean. It hindered American military operations against ISIS in Syria, set back progress in the long-running Cypriot peace negotiations in 2014 and 2017, and purchased Russia’s S-400 air defense system.

Has Turkey Gone Rogue?

Has Turkey Gone Rogue?
Has Turkey Gone Rogue?

When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrives in Ankara on Thursday, he will find Turkey unrecognizable as the ostensibly Muslim democracy and close ally that U.S. officials once held up as a model for the Islamic world. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is poised to complete his long transformation of Turkey from a raucous — if imperfect democracy — to an autocracy, one ruled by caprice and fear.

Gen. Carlisle Says A-10 Retirement May Slide 2 To 3 Years

Gen. Carlisle Says A-10 Retirement May Slide 2 To 3 Years
Gen. Carlisle Says A-10 Retirement May Slide 2 To 3 Years

WASHINGTON: Sen. Kelly Ayotte, take note. The head of Air Combat Command told reporters this morning that the A-10 Warthog’s retirement will probably slide two to three years thanks to the increased threats faced by the Air Force. Gen. Hawk Carlisle, speaking at a Defense Writers Group breakfast, made it clear the decision hasn’t been…

A Calibrated Response To ISIL

A Calibrated Response To ISIL
A Calibrated Response To ISIL

The ISIL-induced crisis in the Middle East is a major one with regional implications. With several years of dynamic change in the region, and the failure to create a stable Iraq during the period after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, ISIL has functioned like a match thrown into a gas can. What  should we do? We…