Pentagon Office of Strategic Capital’s investment strategy expected later this year

Pentagon Office of Strategic Capital’s investment strategy expected later this year
Pentagon Office of Strategic Capital’s investment strategy expected later this year

“We’re focused on not only the core technology, but the companies and industries that comprise that both in the areas that are kind of more closer to the department… artificial intelligence for autonomy, for example, but also in areas that are deep within the supply chain, like semiconductors,” Jason Rathje said.

Pentagon teams up with SBA to sweeten the pot for tech investments

Pentagon teams up with SBA to sweeten the pot for tech investments
Pentagon teams up with SBA to sweeten the pot for tech investments

For now, says Office of Strategic Capital director Jason Rathje, his three-month-old office will work through existing programs outside the Defense Department, in hopes of boosting investment in critical tech, especially hardware.

Pentagon’s ‘strategic capital’ office focusing on ‘deep tech’ startups through SBIC initiative

Pentagon’s ‘strategic capital’ office focusing on ‘deep tech’ startups through SBIC initiative
Pentagon’s ‘strategic capital’ office focusing on ‘deep tech’ startups through SBIC initiative

“OSC was fundamentally established to give the Department of Defense a new tool in our current competition because today the United States… is in a global competition to be a world leader in emerging and critical technologies,” Jason Rathje, OSC director, said, noting they’ll be taking applications for investment later this year.