Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system

Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system
Key space monitoring sensors still rely on outdated CAVENet computer system

At the moment it is unclear when Space Force and Space Command actually will decommission CAVEnet, 2000s-era tech that analysts use for highly accurate and classified tracking of space objects.  

Air Force Teams With NRO For Secret SSA Bird

Air Force Teams With NRO For Secret SSA Bird
Air Force Teams With NRO For Secret SSA Bird

After years of missed deadlines, cost overruns and underperformance the Air Force has split the requirements for the troubled Joint Mission System program’s Increment 3, dividing them between the Coalition Space Operations Center and the National Space Defense Center. In a separate but apparently related action, the Air Force has also partnered with the nation’s spy satellite builder to create a new Space Situational Awareness satellite.

DOTE: JSPOC JMS Needs Better Cyber; Space Fence Links At Risk

DOTE: JSPOC JMS Needs Better Cyber; Space Fence Links At Risk
DOTE: JSPOC JMS Needs Better Cyber; Space Fence Links At Risk

WASHINGTON: The Air Force’s space command and control system, the Joint Mission System, faces “critical deficiencies” and needs beefier cyber defenses, according to the Pentagon’s annual Operational Test and Evaluation report. “That OT&E report on JMS Increment 2 is not really surprising, and it’s not good,” Brian Weeden, a national security space expert with the…