First 2020 Minuteman III Test Launches As New START Countdown Begins

First 2020 Minuteman III Test Launches As New START Countdown Begins
First 2020 Minuteman III Test Launches As New START Countdown Begins

No political message was intended by the launch. Testing “is not used as a ‘signaling mechanism’ politically,” Col. Omar Colbert, Air Force Global Strike Command’s 576th Flight Test Squadron commander, stressed on Monday.

Army Tests Dispersed THAAD; Beginning Of Modular Missile Defense?

Army Tests Dispersed THAAD; Beginning Of Modular Missile Defense?
Army Tests Dispersed THAAD; Beginning Of Modular Missile Defense?

The potential threat from Chinese batteries will only grow as Beijing continues to militarize small islands outside of its territorial waters, claiming them as their own.

What About JMS? Air Force Reanimates ‘Old Clunker’ Space Tracking System

What About JMS? Air Force Reanimates ‘Old Clunker’ Space Tracking System
What About JMS? Air Force Reanimates ‘Old Clunker’ Space Tracking System

JMS was supposed to revolutionize how the US tracks objects in space. Its billion-dollar bust means the Air Force must revive SPADOC, a widely reviled vestige of the 1980s.

Missile Defense Test ‘Realistic,’ Syring Insists

Missile Defense Test ‘Realistic,’ Syring Insists
Missile Defense Test ‘Realistic,’ Syring Insists

PENTAGON: Yesterday’s $244 million missile defense test didn’t just hit an IBCM-like target for the first time in the history of the system: It hit a cutting-edge IBCM modeled on future North Korean weapons, complete with decoys to confuse defenders. “It actually replicated — without getting into classified details — an operational scenario that we’re…