White House charges Pentagon to develop cislunar monitoring tech, including for ‘planetary defense’

White House charges Pentagon to develop cislunar monitoring tech, including for ‘planetary defense’
White House charges Pentagon to develop cislunar monitoring tech, including for ‘planetary defense’

The new White House plan for cislunar S&T tasks DoD to lead development of new, and/or improvement of current, ground- and space-based sensors for monitoring the cislunar region.

Mapping the Moon: Future cislunar ops require better PNT

Mapping the Moon: Future cislunar ops require better PNT
Mapping the Moon: Future cislunar ops require better PNT

Future military, civil and commercial cislunar operations will require precise lunar maps not just of topography, but also of the Moon’s gravitational and magnetic fields.

Space Force needs more money, people to secure cislunar space: Mitchell Institute

Space Force needs more money, people to secure cislunar space: Mitchell Institute
Space Force needs more money, people to secure cislunar space: Mitchell Institute

The Mitchell Institute is advocating that from now on Congress bolster the Space Force’s budget by “about $250M a year” and “increase end strength by approximately 200 personnel for the new responsibilities associated with emerging national interests on the moon and the cislunar region.”

EXCLUSIVE: New Joint Force space doctrine clarifies Space Command’s ‘offensive’, ‘defensive’ ops

EXCLUSIVE: New Joint Force space doctrine clarifies Space Command’s ‘offensive’, ‘defensive’ ops
EXCLUSIVE: New Joint Force space doctrine clarifies Space Command’s ‘offensive’, ‘defensive’ ops

The new version of Joint Publication 3-14 explains that “offensive and defensive space operations” are supported primarily by “direct capabilities” — that is, “fires that impact an adversary.”

Oracle’s vision: Understanding cislunar satellite images poses AFRL’s ‘biggest’ challenge

Oracle’s vision: Understanding cislunar satellite images poses AFRL’s ‘biggest’ challenge
Oracle’s vision: Understanding cislunar satellite images poses AFRL’s ‘biggest’ challenge

Oracle has to be able not just to detect space objects, but also discriminate targets of interest from what is currently an unfamiliar background for space imagery analysts filled with myriad stars and a growing number of spacecraft, AFRL’s Lt. Col. David Johnson explained.

To infinity and beyond: New Space Force unit to monitor ‘xGEO’ beyond Earth’s orbit

To infinity and beyond: New Space Force unit to monitor ‘xGEO’ beyond Earth’s orbit
To infinity and beyond: New Space Force unit to monitor ‘xGEO’ beyond Earth’s orbit

Space Force has established the new 19th Space Defense Squadron to monitor what officials now refer to as “xGEO” space.

Unclear And Contradictory Rules Bedevil Commercial Space Firms: Study

Unclear And Contradictory Rules Bedevil Commercial Space Firms: Study
Unclear And Contradictory Rules Bedevil Commercial Space Firms: Study

The Aerospace study found that controlling the creation of dangerous space junk is a regulatory arena “where clarity is badly needed,” for one.

SPACECOM Head Touts Space, High Seas Parallels

SPACECOM Head Touts Space, High Seas Parallels
SPACECOM Head Touts Space, High Seas Parallels

“The behavior of some of our adversaries in space is surprising. If similar actions had been taken in other domains, they’d likely be considered provocative, aggressive, or maybe even irresponsible,” said SPACECOM Commander Gen. Jim Dickinson.

DARPA Nuke Sat To Target Cislunar Monitoring Mission

DARPA Nuke Sat To Target Cislunar Monitoring Mission
DARPA Nuke Sat To Target Cislunar Monitoring Mission

AFRL last Thursday held a classified stakeholder meeting to discuss R&D to underpin future military operations beyond the traditional near-Earth orbits used today.

Space Force, AFRL To Demo Mobile Lunar Spy Sat

Space Force, AFRL To Demo Mobile Lunar Spy Sat
Space Force, AFRL To Demo Mobile Lunar Spy Sat

The highly mobile D2S2 satellite will carry a 20cm camera to test the sensor performance needed for lunar imaging.

AFRL’s Big Ambitions For Lunar Patrol Satellites

AFRL’s Big Ambitions For Lunar Patrol Satellites
AFRL’s Big Ambitions For Lunar Patrol Satellites

“We are interested in technologies to support wide area search, narrow field tracking, and autonomous space domain awareness,” says CHPS program manager Capt. David Buehler.