First Combat Laser For Navy Warship: Lockheed HELIOS

First Combat Laser For Navy Warship: Lockheed HELIOS
First Combat Laser For Navy Warship: Lockheed HELIOS

WASHINGTON: By 2020, for the first time, the US Navy will put a lethal laser on a warship. “This is a very big deal,” said Mark Gunzinger of the Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments, a longtime advocate of lasers. “It is clear evidence of the progress that has been made over the last several years…

Are Missile Defense Lasers On The Verge Of Reality?

Are Missile Defense Lasers On The Verge Of Reality?
Are Missile Defense Lasers On The Verge Of Reality?

CRYSTAL CITY: In three years the US military could have a prototype laser weapon blasting out 300 kilowatts of energy, a jump that could ignite a revolution in missile defense, a Lockheed Martin engineer told me today, A 300-kw laser could kill cruise missiles. For comparison, that’s 10 times the power output of the Laser Weapons System…

Star Wars At Sea: Navy’s Laser Gets Real

Star Wars At Sea: Navy’s Laser Gets Real
Star Wars At Sea: Navy’s Laser Gets Real

PENTAGON: The age of laser weapons has officially begun. Since September, the Navy has had a $40 million, 30-kilowatt Laser Weapons System (LaWS) aboard the USS Ponce in the Persian Gulf. “They’re using it every single day,” said the Chief of Naval Research, Rear Adm. Matthew Klunder. Sailors — not contractors or engineers — perform basic…

The Limits Of Lasers: Missile Defense At Speed Of Light

The Limits Of Lasers: Missile Defense At Speed Of Light
The Limits Of Lasers: Missile Defense At Speed Of Light

WASHINGTON: Ronald Reagan’s dream of lasers that can shoot down incoming missiles is about to become reality — to an extent. The Navy will deploy a low-power prototype to the Persian Gulf this summer and it sees real potential to zap drones, small boats, and anti-ship cruise missiles. But experts assembled at this week’s Atlantic…

Laser Weapons: Lower Expectations, Higher Threats

Laser Weapons: Lower Expectations, Higher Threats
Laser Weapons: Lower Expectations, Higher Threats

CAPITOL HILL: Lasers that can shoot down incoming missiles have been a work in progress since Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” days. Now, the Army and Navy not only have working demonstration models but ambitions to field real-world weapons circa 2021. This time, insisted Pentagon science advisor Howard Meyer this morning, it’s really going to happen.…

Navy Will Send Prototype Laser Weapon To Persian Gulf: Adm. Greenert

NATIONAL HARBOR: The Navy will send a prototype laser weapon to the troubled Persian Gulf for a roughly year-long test deployment starting “less than a year from now,” the Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Jonathan Greenert, announced today at the Navy League’s annual Sea-Air-Space conference. The bad news is this isn’t some superweapon out of…