New SecAf Extols High Tech, But Where’s The $$$?

New SecAf Extols High Tech, But Where’s The $$$?
New SecAf Extols High Tech, But Where’s The $$$?

CAPITOL HILL: Heather Wilson began her first public speech as Air Force Secretary with a paean to technology, highlighting the service’s history of innovation from the B-29 to the F-117 to the F-35. It would have been an unambiguous signal of administration priorities, except the budget doesn’t really back her up. Research and development funding…

B-21 Bomber Boost? KC-46 Still Late

B-21 Bomber Boost? KC-46 Still Late
B-21 Bomber Boost? KC-46 Still Late

  CORRECTED: What Gen. Harris Meant To Say Was A Total Bomber Fleet of 165; Still “At Least” 100 B-21s WASHINGTON: How many B-21 bombers will the US need? 80? 100? 165? Bound by the president’s budget on one side and congressional appropriations on the other, the head of Air Force acquisition was very careful in…