Lockheed’s Prez Helo VH-92 DROPS In Cost, But…

Lockheed’s Prez Helo VH-92 DROPS In Cost, But…
Lockheed’s Prez Helo VH-92 DROPS In Cost, But…

Wait for it — the costs of Lockheed Martin’s Presidential Helicopter Replacement program, known as the VH-92, have come down 2.4 percent, about $123 million to $5.06 billion, and it appears on schedule. But — you knew there’d be a but.

Marine Corps Braces For 2020 Budget Cuts: Gen. Neller

Marine Corps Braces For 2020 Budget Cuts: Gen. Neller
Marine Corps Braces For 2020 Budget Cuts: Gen. Neller

The Marines are plenty happy about getting more money in 2018 and 2019, but are nervously eyeing the potential return of sequestration in 2020. And it’s influencing how the Corps is spending that money today.

Stop Wasting Infantry’s Time: Mattis Task Force

Stop Wasting Infantry’s Time: Mattis Task Force
Stop Wasting Infantry’s Time: Mattis Task Force

“All too often when we bring things up inside the Beltway, it immediately devolves to material and programs and technology,” said Scales. “What we hope comes out of this is not just new machines but new ways of thinking about warfare at the tactical level.”

F-35 Ready For Missile Defense By 2025: MDA Chief

F-35 Ready For Missile Defense By 2025: MDA Chief
F-35 Ready For Missile Defense By 2025: MDA Chief

“I’d say six to seven years to essentially work out the Concept of Operations (and) develop the capabilities,” Lt. Gen. Samuel Greaves told the Senate.

Services Debate Multi-Domain: ‘Battle’ Or ‘Operations’

Services Debate Multi-Domain: ‘Battle’ Or ‘Operations’
Services Debate Multi-Domain: ‘Battle’ Or ‘Operations’

“‘Battle’ is very tactical,” said another participant approvingly. “We’ve got to have a cultural shift.” We need to recognize we’re in conflict right now with great power adversaries, even if we’re not shooting at each other.

Guns, Drones, & Augmented Reality: Army Seeks Infantry Revolution

Guns, Drones, & Augmented Reality: Army Seeks Infantry Revolution
Guns, Drones, & Augmented Reality: Army Seeks Infantry Revolution

The catch, of course, is that the Army’s tried to field all these things before — and failed. Why would things go any better this time around? Brig. Gen. Christopher Donahue has an answer for that.

Drone Delivery, Direct To The Grunt: Marines Experiment With Hive UAVs

Drone Delivery, Direct To The Grunt: Marines Experiment With Hive UAVs
Drone Delivery, Direct To The Grunt: Marines Experiment With Hive UAVs

It was a Marine reservist, transport officer Maj. Chris Thobaben, who had the idea to repurpose the scout drones for logistics after seeing too many comrades killed or wounded on supply runs in Iraq.

Top Gun For Grunts: Mattis May Revolutionize Infantry

Top Gun For Grunts: Mattis May Revolutionize Infantry
Top Gun For Grunts: Mattis May Revolutionize Infantry

“To get a quantum increase in the quality of close combat forces, we can do it in the next two years, (and) the cost compared to the rest of the DoD budget is very small,” said retired Maj. Gen. Robert Scales, who chairs the advisory board for Secretary Mattis’s Close Combat Lethality Task Force.

DoD Breakfast Club: Service Secretaries Coordinate R&D Spending

DoD Breakfast Club: Service Secretaries Coordinate R&D Spending
DoD Breakfast Club: Service Secretaries Coordinate R&D Spending

“We’ve started getting together for breakfast every week or two,” said Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, “just the three of us. It’s absolutely terrifying the staffs.”

Marines’ Love Affair With 3D Printing: Small Is Cheap, & Beautiful

Marines’ Love Affair With 3D Printing: Small Is Cheap, & Beautiful
Marines’ Love Affair With 3D Printing: Small Is Cheap, & Beautiful

“My eyes are watering with what our young people can do right now,” the Assistant Commandant said.
“They’re really smart and they’ve got a lot of really good ideas,” Commandant Neller said. “We would be well served to turn them loose.”

Batteries, Bullets, & Drones: Commandant’s Wishlist For Infantry Task Force

Batteries, Bullets, & Drones: Commandant’s Wishlist For Infantry Task Force
Batteries, Bullets, & Drones: Commandant’s Wishlist For Infantry Task Force

What’s the one technology the Marine Corps Commandant wants more than any other for his riflemen? It wasn’t an amphibious vehicle, more JLTVs, a new rifle or friggin’ lasers. It is “a smart way to recharge batteries,” Gen. Robert Neller told reporters.

Military Force Structure: Trade-Offs, Trade-Offs, Trade-Offs

Military Force Structure: Trade-Offs, Trade-Offs, Trade-Offs
Military Force Structure: Trade-Offs, Trade-Offs, Trade-Offs

Mark Cancian, a member of the Breaking Defense Board of Contributors, knows budgets. He used to help build the defense budget at the Office of Management and Budget, the largely unheralded center of federal fiscal power. So when he picks apart the budget deal Congress recently approved (or any other one) you should pay attention. He’s doing…

Mattis Upguns Infantry: Task Force To Invest Over $1B

Mattis Upguns Infantry: Task Force To Invest Over $1B
Mattis Upguns Infantry: Task Force To Invest Over $1B

PENTAGON: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a former Marine Corps rifle platoon leader, wants better technology and training to keep frontline foot troops alive. He sent a Feb. 8 memo (below) to the Joint Chiefs, service chiefs, combatant commanders, and other top officials to create a Close Combat Lethality Task Force, applying the kind of top-level…

Upgrade Navy Networks To Get Most From F-35: Commandant Wants Quality

Upgrade Navy Networks To Get Most From F-35: Commandant Wants Quality
Upgrade Navy Networks To Get Most From F-35: Commandant Wants Quality

CAPITOL HILL: If the Commandant of the Marine Corps had one more dollar to spend — and he probably will with the recent budget deal — he’d use it to upgrade Navy ships’ electronics to take full advantage of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, he said this morning. The Marines’ new F-35Bs have the sensors to…