TRANSCOM looking for more tankers to move fuel in shallower water between Pacific island chains

TRANSCOM looking for more tankers to move fuel in shallower water between Pacific island chains
TRANSCOM looking for more tankers to move fuel in shallower water between Pacific island chains

A congressionally authorized program to recruit private ships to assist the federal government was expanded at US Transportation Command’s request.

Navy admiral touts sealift recap, stops short of saying 2025 problem is solved

Navy admiral touts sealift recap, stops short of saying 2025 problem is solved
Navy admiral touts sealift recap, stops short of saying 2025 problem is solved

Now retired Army Gen. Stephen Lyons projected in 2020 that the Pentagon’s sealift fleet would deteriorate rapidly starting in 2025.

One lawmaker wants to force the Navy’s hand on emergency sealift capacity

One lawmaker wants to force the Navy’s hand on emergency sealift capacity
One lawmaker wants to force the Navy’s hand on emergency sealift capacity

Congress has long been irritated by the Navy’s pace for sealift recap. One lawmaker says he’s ready to shake things up.

How Much Sealift Does US Have For Crisis? It’s Not Sure

How Much Sealift Does US Have For Crisis? It’s Not Sure
How Much Sealift Does US Have For Crisis? It’s Not Sure

A new study points out that the Navy should do better at tracking how many ships it can call on in a pinch.