Mark Esper, Washington Insider, Will Be Quiet Army Secretary

Mark Esper, Washington Insider, Will Be Quiet Army Secretary
Mark Esper, Washington Insider, Will Be Quiet Army Secretary

WASHINGTON: Third time’s (hopefully) the charm for the Trump Administration when it comes to candidates for Army Secretary. After the withdrawals of Vincent Viola, a billionaire with no government experience, and Mark Green, a Tennessee politician with a controversial track record, Trump has picked an experienced Washington insider, Mark Esper. Esper probably is unlikely to…

Deadlock: Mattis Vs. White House On Pentagon Nominees

Deadlock: Mattis Vs. White House On Pentagon Nominees
Deadlock: Mattis Vs. White House On Pentagon Nominees

WASHINGTON: Chronic conflict between Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and the Trump White House has hobbled the nomination process for top Pentagon posts, a source familiar with the Trump personnel team tells Breaking Defense. In several cases, the source said, the Trump team recommended nominees with extensive experience and bipartisan respect — Rep. Randy Forbes, Sen. Jim Talent…

The Tennessean: SecArmy Nominee Green’s Outsider Status Makes Him Vulnerable

The Tennessean: SecArmy Nominee Green’s Outsider Status Makes Him Vulnerable
The Tennessean: SecArmy Nominee Green’s Outsider Status Makes Him Vulnerable

WASHINGTON: Who is Mark Green, really? Donald Trump‘s new nominee for Army Secretary has much more experience in uniform and in government than Trump’s first try, West Point-educated billionaire Vincent Viola. Even some Democrats I talked with noted his “impressive resume.” But that doesn’t mean Green’s confirmation will be easy. Yes, Green knows the Army. He…