“Now we’re just really working out the details for the timing that that will happen, and how frankly how it will happen,” Lt. Gen. Daniel Karbler, Army SMDC commander, says.
By Theresa Hitchens
The Army’s prioritized so ruthlessly that the top 11 percent of programs will get 50 percent of the funding. The other 89 percent can’t take any more cuts without it killing them.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
“One of the requirements is going to be that all data developed and produced by every weapon system we have has to be made accessible, period,” Gen. John Hyten said today.
By Theresa Hitchens
“I don’t sense that the lack of that milestone is doing anything other than providing a launching point for criticism of the program,” JPO Director Lt. Gen. Eric Fick said.
By Theresa Hitchens
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger’s announcement comes amid the radical changes he is making in how the Corps equips itself, and deploys.
By Paul McLeary
Some 22 of the Army’s 35 top programs are supposed to field some kind of capability in the next four years, even as budgets drop.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.