How Israel is preparing for potential hostilities with Hezbollah over a gas rig

How Israel is preparing for potential hostilities with Hezbollah over a gas rig
How Israel is preparing for potential hostilities with Hezbollah over a gas rig

Israeli forces in the north are on high alert, but a diplomatic solution could still play out.

Eye On Africa, Navy’s New Ship Homeports in Crete

Eye On Africa, Navy’s New Ship Homeports in Crete
Eye On Africa, Navy’s New Ship Homeports in Crete

As Russian fighters fly in Libya and Turkey steps up operations in the region, the US just put its new sea base capable to surging Marines and commandos ashore into Crete

America Must Act In Libya Against Turkey, Russia

America Must Act In Libya Against Turkey, Russia
America Must Act In Libya Against Turkey, Russia

    Turkey’s recent intervention in Libya is intensifying a proxy war and regional energy competition that threaten vital U.S. interests, while Washington mostly observes from the sidelines. As fighting grows in the Mediterranean country, the United States urgently needs to assume an overdue leadership role to end or mitigate this spiraling conflict. The time…

Thousands of Marines Sail To Middle East; Iraqis Vote To Eject US Troops

Thousands of Marines Sail To Middle East; Iraqis Vote To Eject US Troops
Thousands of Marines Sail To Middle East; Iraqis Vote To Eject US Troops

As President Trump threatens strikes on Iranian military and civilian targets, British warships and a US Marine MEU head to the Middle East.

CNO: USS Lincoln Persian Gulf Trip No Surprise — ‘Planned For Some Time’

CNO: USS Lincoln Persian Gulf Trip No Surprise — ‘Planned For Some Time’
CNO: USS Lincoln Persian Gulf Trip No Surprise — ‘Planned For Some Time’

CNO John Richardson said Monday that, essentially, the Persian Gulf deployment was business as usual. “The Abraham Lincoln Strike Group was planned to deploy for some time now,” he told the SeaAirSpace conference.

Allies Diplomatic Note To Moscow: 2 Carriers, 7 Ships, 1 Ambassador

Allies Diplomatic Note To Moscow: 2 Carriers, 7 Ships, 1 Ambassador
Allies Diplomatic Note To Moscow: 2 Carriers, 7 Ships, 1 Ambassador

While two carriers attracting most of the attention, a smaller US footprint is being established between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, where Russia — and Turkey — are raising concerns.

New Second Fleet To Stay Lean, Unpredictable, Commander Says; & Watching China

New Second Fleet To Stay Lean, Unpredictable, Commander Says; & Watching China
New Second Fleet To Stay Lean, Unpredictable, Commander Says; & Watching China

The Arctic will become increasingly crowded in the coming years, and the US Navy’s Second Fleet is making it a priority to get up there more often.

Royal Navy Lands 1st F-35B on New Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth

Royal Navy Lands 1st F-35B on New Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth
Royal Navy Lands 1st F-35B on New Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth

“We’re not going to pretend it’s easy,” Rear Adm. Keith Blount, assistant chief of the Naval Staff told reporters. “But this isn’t unfathomably difficult for us. We are enjoying going back into the big time, and this is one of those big steps on that ladder. It’s hugely exciting and should be reassuring to those back home and to those on this side of the Atlantic.”

NATO, Russia Prep Biggest War Games Since Cold War

NATO, Russia Prep Biggest War Games Since Cold War
NATO, Russia Prep Biggest War Games Since Cold War

WASHINGTON: Within the next several weeks, both Russia and NATO will kick off some of the largest military exercises since the end of the Cold War. Hundreds of thousands of troops, tens of thousands of vehicles, hundreds of aircraft, and dozens of warships will charge into action in a series of mock engagements stretching from…

Pentagon Sounds Alarm Over Sub-Hunting Tech Shortage, Hypersonic Funding

Pentagon Sounds Alarm Over Sub-Hunting Tech Shortage, Hypersonic Funding
Pentagon Sounds Alarm Over Sub-Hunting Tech Shortage, Hypersonic Funding

WASHINGTON The Navy says it is running short of critical submarine-detecting sonobuoys, thanks to stepped-up submarine activity by Russia in the Mediterranean and around Europe. As a result, the service has asked Congress to reprogram $20 million to buy more of the detection devices in an Omnibus funding package the Pentagon sent to Congress earlier…

US Ships, Planes Challenge 22 Countries’ Claims — Not Just China’s

US Ships, Planes Challenge 22 Countries’ Claims — Not Just China’s
US Ships, Planes Challenge 22 Countries’ Claims — Not Just China’s

WASHINGTON: In 2016, the Defense Department flew aircraft or steamed ships through territories claimed by Albania, Brazil, Italy, Japan, Malta, and, well, China, according to the Pentagon’s annual report released today. So should Beijing be relieved it was not the sole focus of American Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS) or should it feel slighted that it…

Russia Builds ‘Arc Of Steel’: Adm. Ferguson

Russia Builds ‘Arc Of Steel’: Adm. Ferguson
Russia Builds ‘Arc Of Steel’: Adm. Ferguson

WASHINGTON: “We are observing the manifestation of a more aggressive, more capable Russian navy,” the US Navy’s top commander in Europe said today. And if that fleet is Putin’s seagoing hammer, missile bases ashore are his land-based anvil. Complementing Russian naval modernization, Adm. Mark Ferguson said, we have seen “the construction of an arc of…

Russians In Syria Building A2/AD ‘Bubble’ Over Region: Breedlove

Russians In Syria Building A2/AD ‘Bubble’ Over Region: Breedlove
Russians In Syria Building A2/AD ‘Bubble’ Over Region: Breedlove

WASHINGTON: In keeping with its increasingly aggressive behavior over the past two years, Russia is deploying lethal and long-ranged anti-aircraft defenses to keep Western forces out of three key regions: the Baltics, the Black Sea, and, now, the Levant. From where NATO’s top commander Gen. Philip Breedlove sits, the Russian forces flowing into Syria don’t look…

Do Marines Have To Hitchhike At Sea? The Real Story

Do Marines Have To Hitchhike At Sea? The Real Story
Do Marines Have To Hitchhike At Sea? The Real Story

WASHINGTON: Is the US Navy really so short of warships that Marines must catch a ride on foreign vessels, like heavily armed hitchhikers? The answer is, well, sort of. Where there’s smoke, there’s often fire — the Marines definitely could use more amphibious warfare ships — but on this story, politicians, lobbyists, and some of…