“I think it can be done as an experiment, but as a weapon system to equip an airplane with the kinds of lasers we think necessary…that combination of things doesn’t go on one platform,” Mike Griffin, head of Pentagon research. “So, I’m just extremely skeptical of that.”
By Paul McLeary
“We want to deliver hypersonics at scale,” said R&D director Mark Lewis, from air-breathing cruise missiles to rocket-boosted gliders that fly through space.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
“Our fully networked C3 [Command, Control, & Communications] will look completely different” from current satellites and terminals, said OSD’s Doug Schroeder.
By Theresa Hitchens
It looks like the military is taking a regional approach to hypersonic missile defense, while it continues to pursue a space sensor layer for homeland defense.
By Paul McLeary
Congress worried that the SCO’s ability to act fast would be stymied by layers of bureaucratic approval required for any decisions. Under DARPA, it would have been bumped four reporting levels down.
By Theresa Hitchens
Griffin’s seeming skepticism about commercial ventures to provide global broadband and Internet services is in stark contrast to the enthusiasm bubbling out of the Air Force and the Army.
By Theresa Hitchens
The armed services agree they need to work together better — they just don’t agree on how. Now the Joint Staff is taking a hand.
By Theresa Hitchens
“We need that partnership with customers on the DoD side where they’re willing to take a step forward with us in understanding that neither one of us knows the ultimate answer.”
By Paul McLeary
The Pentagon says it can’t keep up with private tech firms using 5G. Mike Griffin says the best it can do is try and be “good customers.”
By Paul McLeary
How will the US kill enemy hypersonic weapons in future war? The Pentagon’s research chief has some high-tech ideas.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
The Pentagon has quietly asked defense contractors for ways to spot enemy missile launchers — so the US can destroy them before they even fire.
By Paul McLeary
PENTAGON The Navy is refitting its decades-old China Lake weapons testing and research site in the Mojave Desert to begin hosting hypersonic weapons testing from a variety of platforms, including undersea launchers. A notice posted on a government contracting Website Tuesday night offered the first concrete evidence that the Pentagon is moving ahead on…
By Paul McLeary
WASHINGTON: The Pentagon is studying options for putting lasers, directed energy weapons, and missile defense systems into space to protect against an array of increasingly advanced ballistic and cruise missiles being developed by China, Russia, and North Korea, a senior Trump administration official said Wednesday. President Trump is set to announce the results of a…
By Paul McLeary
Lisa Porter and Mike Griffin, the Pentagon’s two top research and engineering officials during the Trump administration, lay out the case for new conventional long-range strike options in the Pacific.
By Lisa J. Porter and Michael D. Griffin