Navy’s Combat Logistics Force on ‘narrow margins,’ US Pacific Fleet chief warns

Navy’s Combat Logistics Force on ‘narrow margins,’ US Pacific Fleet chief warns
Navy’s Combat Logistics Force on ‘narrow margins,’ US Pacific Fleet chief warns

The warning from Paparo comes as he awaits possible confirmation to become the next head of US Indo-Pacific Command.

Colonial Pipeline Hack Shows Peril Of Ignoring Military Cyber Vulnerabilities: Kendall

Colonial Pipeline Hack Shows Peril Of Ignoring Military Cyber Vulnerabilities: Kendall
Colonial Pipeline Hack Shows Peril Of Ignoring Military Cyber Vulnerabilities: Kendall

The ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline in May underscores the urgency for the Pentagon to safeguard its transportation and logistics enterprise, defense officials said.

TRANSCOM Wants To Keep 23 Tankers DoD Cut In 2021

TRANSCOM Wants To Keep 23 Tankers DoD Cut In 2021
TRANSCOM Wants To Keep 23 Tankers DoD Cut In 2021

Retiring the KC-135s and KC-10s before the new KC-46 tanker comes on line will have “significant impacts” on TRANSCOM’s ability to fulfill its wartime mission, says Gen. Stephen Lyons.

How Much Sealift Does US Have For Crisis? It’s Not Sure

How Much Sealift Does US Have For Crisis? It’s Not Sure
How Much Sealift Does US Have For Crisis? It’s Not Sure

A new study points out that the Navy should do better at tracking how many ships it can call on in a pinch.

Not Enough C-17s, Tankers Or Ships For Hot War: TRANSCOM

Not Enough C-17s, Tankers Or Ships For Hot War: TRANSCOM
Not Enough C-17s, Tankers Or Ships For Hot War: TRANSCOM

WASHINGTON: Believe it or not, the global command responsible for getting weapons, fuel, and food to troops had, until recently, never used a war game for planning. Nor did Transportation Command factor into its plans the possibility that transport ships would be sunk and transport planes would be shot down . On top of that, TRANSCOM…

Over Where? Army Struggles To Relearn Rapid Deployment

Over Where? Army Struggles To Relearn Rapid Deployment
Over Where? Army Struggles To Relearn Rapid Deployment

HUNTSVILLE, ALA: This morning, Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley warned Congress that “I have grave concerns” about the Army’s ability to respond to a major war — say, with Russia, Gen. Milley’s no. 1 threat — “in a timely manner.” Here in Huntsville, generals and executives explained a big part of the reason why.…

Challenges for Military Sealift Command: The Distributed Fleet

Challenges for Military Sealift Command: The Distributed Fleet
Challenges for Military Sealift Command: The Distributed Fleet

Sen. John McCain recently went after the Jones Act again. In an amendment to bill S.2012,  the “Energy Modernization Act of 2015, McCain argues that the Jones Act is an “antiquated law” that hinders free trade and raises prices for American consumers. What the senator ignores is the impact of the legislation on Military Sealift Command. The…

Military Sealift Command: A Flexible Key to The Asia Strategy

This is the first in a series of commentaries defense consultant and author Robbin Laird, a member of the Breaking Defense Board of Contributors, is penning about how the U.S. can and should shape its forces to perform the Asia strategy pivot. As a key part of that, he’ll be looking closely at what he…

Marines Will Depend on Army, Allies, Private Sector To Get Ashore

While the Marines are famous for amphibious landings, they depend on Army assets (shown here) for large-scale logistics. Going back to the future ain’t easy. After a decade largely spent waging land wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. Marine Corps wants to reemphasize large-scale amphibious operations, like its recent “Bold Alligator” exercise. But to…