Led by US, global spending on military space jumped to $54B in 2022: Space Foundation

Led by US, global spending on military space jumped to $54B in 2022: Space Foundation
Led by US, global spending on military space jumped to $54B in 2022: Space Foundation

The Space Report 2023 Q2 study estimates that US Defense Department classified and unclassified spending in 2022 hit almost $43 billion.

Defense Industry Pushes Back Against New Pentagon Rules

Defense Industry Pushes Back Against New Pentagon Rules
Defense Industry Pushes Back Against New Pentagon Rules

WASHINGTON: The Pentagon is looking to get a tighter grip on how it pays large defense contractors, and has drawn up plans to cut up front costs while rewarding companies that hit their milestones on time.   The defense industry, however, isn’t happy about it. Every major defense industry trade association voiced opposition to the…

Despite Trump’s Rhetoric, U.S. Defense Firms Pitch Moving Production To India

Despite Trump’s Rhetoric, U.S. Defense Firms Pitch Moving Production To India
Despite Trump’s Rhetoric, U.S. Defense Firms Pitch Moving Production To India

As big defense firms line up to pitch their fighter planes to India, the government of Narendra Modi is demanding they build in India, something that might be at odds with the Trumpian America First philosophy.