Despite Trump’s Rhetoric, U.S. Defense Firms Pitch Moving Production To India

Despite Trump’s Rhetoric, U.S. Defense Firms Pitch Moving Production To India
Despite Trump’s Rhetoric, U.S. Defense Firms Pitch Moving Production To India

As big defense firms line up to pitch their fighter planes to India, the government of Narendra Modi is demanding they build in India, something that might be at odds with the Trumpian America First philosophy.

Mattis Makes New Plea To HASC For Russian Sanctions Relief

Mattis Makes New Plea To HASC For Russian Sanctions Relief
Mattis Makes New Plea To HASC For Russian Sanctions Relief

CAPITOL HILL: Defense Secretary James Mattis fired off a new letter to House Armed Services leadership on Tuesday, asking lawmakers again to vote in favor of waivers for certain countries Washington is trying to sway into its orbit, but who continue to do business with Russian defense firms. The letter was delivered to HASC chairman Rep.…