Beyond Iran, The US And Israel Must Work Together To Counter China

Beyond Iran, The US And Israel Must Work Together To Counter China
Beyond Iran, The US And Israel Must Work Together To Counter China

America should help Israel develop mechanisms for reviewing both inbound investments and outbound commerce to counter Chinese influence, argue three experts from JINSA.

Israel, US Look To Tighten Intel Sharing Post-Afghanistan

Israel, US Look To Tighten Intel Sharing Post-Afghanistan
Israel, US Look To Tighten Intel Sharing Post-Afghanistan

Intel sharing was a major discussion during PM Bennett’s visit to Washington last week, as was increasing funding for F-15s and Iron Dome interceptors.

Iranian Nuke Centrifuge Plant Badly Damaged By Drones

Iranian Nuke Centrifuge Plant Badly Damaged By Drones
Iranian Nuke Centrifuge Plant Badly Damaged By Drones

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett appeared to hint Thursday — the day after the attack — that Israel may have been involved when he spoke to a graduating ceremony for Israeli Air Force pilots: “Our enemies know — not from statements, but from actions — that we are much more determined and much more clever, and that we do not hesitate to act when it is needed.”