Navy Scraps Big Carrier Study, Clears Deck For OSD Effort

Navy Scraps Big Carrier Study, Clears Deck For OSD Effort
Navy Scraps Big Carrier Study, Clears Deck For OSD Effort

The study into what kind of carriers the Navy might need in a decade’s time was problematic from the start, and conflicted with the Pentagon senior leadership’s redo of the Navy’s force structure plan. 

Navy Culture Tops List Of SecNav Reforms; Budgets Uncertain

Navy Culture Tops List Of SecNav Reforms; Budgets Uncertain
Navy Culture Tops List Of SecNav Reforms; Budgets Uncertain

In a friendly hearing on Capitol Hill, incoming service leaders back up the wishful thinking about future budgets we have seen from Pentagon leadership.

Navy Begins Rebuild Of Digital Backbone; Likely SecNav Appears Onboard

Navy Begins Rebuild Of Digital Backbone; Likely SecNav Appears Onboard
Navy Begins Rebuild Of Digital Backbone; Likely SecNav Appears Onboard

The Navy’s Cyber Readiness Review released last March delivered a scathing critique, calling weak spots and persistent holes in the system an “existential threat” to the existence of the Navy and Marine Corps.

Navy Wants Robot Boats But Will Still Need Sailors To Fix Them

Navy Wants Robot Boats But Will Still Need Sailors To Fix Them
Navy Wants Robot Boats But Will Still Need Sailors To Fix Them

“We need to find a balance of vehicle designs that enables the cost to be cheap enough that we can afford them, but it’s not so highly optimized towards the purely unmanned spectrum that it’s cost prohibitive to maintain them.”

EXCLUSIVE Navy To Publish Promotions, Prodded By Sen. Warren

EXCLUSIVE Navy To Publish Promotions, Prodded By Sen. Warren
EXCLUSIVE Navy To Publish Promotions, Prodded By Sen. Warren

“The Navy must align itself with the rest of the Department of Defense,” Gilday said in a letter obtained by Breaking Defense. “I value the need for transparency with the American Public and am grateful for your engagement on this matter.”

Fincantieri Wins Bigger Place In Navy Plans, Takes Frigate Contract

Fincantieri Wins Bigger Place In Navy Plans, Takes Frigate Contract
Fincantieri Wins Bigger Place In Navy Plans, Takes Frigate Contract

“This is going to be a real workhorse supporting distributed maritime operations in the future,” Vice Adm. James Kilby, deputy chief for warfighting requirements and capabilities, said.

Acting SecNav Decides To Keep Major Modly Reforms

Acting SecNav Decides To Keep Major Modly Reforms
Acting SecNav Decides To Keep Major Modly Reforms

Acting Navy Secretary James McPherson is only three weeks into the job, but is making weighty decisions, including Wednesday’s call for a wider inquiry into his predecessor Thomas Modly’s firing of the captain of the COVID-19 stricken USS Theodore Roosevelt.

Navy Acquisition Boosts Ship Contract Awards Under COVID-19

Navy Acquisition Boosts Ship Contract Awards Under COVID-19
Navy Acquisition Boosts Ship Contract Awards Under COVID-19

“I think there are ways we can come out of this much more resilient, but you know it’s hard to change bureaucracy and institutional ways of doing business [to] make sure that this disruption doesn’t go to waste,” says Navy acquisition chief James Geurts.

Navy Readies To Buy New Frigates As Industrial Base Wobbles

Navy Readies To Buy New Frigates As Industrial Base Wobbles
Navy Readies To Buy New Frigates As Industrial Base Wobbles

The Navy will recompete the program after the first 10 ships are under contract, leading to a new award and another bite at the apple for the bidders who lost out the first time around.

Battle For The Arctic: Russia Plans Nuke Icebreaker, US Counters China In Greenland

Battle For The Arctic: Russia Plans Nuke Icebreaker, US Counters China In Greenland
Battle For The Arctic: Russia Plans Nuke Icebreaker, US Counters China In Greenland

US official: “We can expect the rapidly changing Arctic system to create greater incentives for the Kremlin and the PRC to pursue agendas that clash with the interests of the United States.”

Navy Rushes To Get F-35s on USS JFK; Other Ford Carriers Wait Their Turn

Navy Rushes To Get F-35s on USS JFK; Other Ford Carriers Wait Their Turn
Navy Rushes To Get F-35s on USS JFK; Other Ford Carriers Wait Their Turn

The service’s aircraft carrier boss says the COVID economic slowdown hasn’t effected building new carriers — yet.

EXCLUSIVE DoD Seeks $2.9B For Hypersonics In 2021

EXCLUSIVE DoD Seeks $2.9B For Hypersonics In 2021
EXCLUSIVE DoD Seeks $2.9B For Hypersonics In 2021

While Army and Navy spending nearly double, Air Force and independent agency spending drops almost 40 percent.

West’s Nuke Carriers Slammed While China Signals Taiwan, Japan

West’s Nuke Carriers Slammed While China Signals Taiwan, Japan
West’s Nuke Carriers Slammed While China Signals Taiwan, Japan

Monday may have marked a turning point for how the Navy, and perhaps the Pentagon, is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, raising questions over how deeply it might cut into military operations and what toll it will take on military readiness and operations.