JWCC 1 year in: Military branches test the waters as DoD envisions cloud service 2.0

JWCC 1 year in: Military branches test the waters as DoD envisions cloud service 2.0
JWCC 1 year in: Military branches test the waters as DoD envisions cloud service 2.0

The service branches aren’t mandated to use the up-to $9 billion services, but the Army and Navy are getting into the game with some secret-level and wargaming-related programs, according to service documents provided to Breaking Defense.

One year in, Pentagon looks ahead to Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability ‘2.0’

One year in, Pentagon looks ahead to Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability ‘2.0’
One year in, Pentagon looks ahead to Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability ‘2.0’

Sherman said that there is no timeframe for when the department will release a request for information for JWCC 2.0 or when the effort will roll out next year, but added that DoD was “firmly committed to multi-cloud, multi-vendor, and this is what we’re going to be doing going forward.”