Sentinel ICBM ‘on track’ for flight test this year: Senior USAF official

Sentinel ICBM ‘on track’ for flight test this year: Senior USAF official
Sentinel ICBM ‘on track’ for flight test this year: Senior USAF official

According to the Congressional Research Service, due to its modular design and increased throw weight, the Sentinel ICBM could be equipped “with two or three warheads to meet the international security environment.”

New START’s Demise Could Cost DoD $439B, Or Nothing: CBO

New START’s Demise Could Cost DoD $439B, Or Nothing: CBO
New START’s Demise Could Cost DoD $439B, Or Nothing: CBO

The study finds that 1 B-21, with 10 Long-Range Stand-Off (LRSO) cruise missiles and eight nuclear warheads, would cost $500 million, and $40 million a year (in 2020 dollars) to maintain.

Why We Need The W76-2 Low Yield Nuke

Why We Need The W76-2 Low Yield Nuke
Why We Need The W76-2 Low Yield Nuke

A low-yield submarine launched ballistic missile provides the United States with an independent credible capability the Russians actually fear.

First 2020 Minuteman III Test Launches As New START Countdown Begins

First 2020 Minuteman III Test Launches As New START Countdown Begins
First 2020 Minuteman III Test Launches As New START Countdown Begins

No political message was intended by the launch. Testing “is not used as a ‘signaling mechanism’ politically,” Col. Omar Colbert, Air Force Global Strike Command’s 576th Flight Test Squadron commander, stressed on Monday.

New Warhead Fuze Gets Tested In 1st 2020 Minuteman III Launch

New Warhead Fuze Gets Tested In 1st 2020 Minuteman III Launch
New Warhead Fuze Gets Tested In 1st 2020 Minuteman III Launch

This is only the second time reporters from non-local media have been allowed to tour an ICBM test launch site and get briefed. Theresa and a small group of reporters will be allowed to watch tomorrow night’s launch.

Sen. Hoeven: Fully Fund GBSD & Nuke Warhead Modernization

Sen. Hoeven: Fully Fund GBSD & Nuke Warhead Modernization
Sen. Hoeven: Fully Fund GBSD & Nuke Warhead Modernization

You don’t see lots of op-eds from members of the House or Senate appropriations committees. Why? The so-called cardinals — whose influence has slipped with the demise of regular budget order in the two chambers — remain among the most powerful figures on Capitol Hill because they have a greater say than most of their…

Trump’s Arms Control Plan: Genius or Disingenuous?

Trump’s Arms Control Plan: Genius or Disingenuous?
Trump’s Arms Control Plan: Genius or Disingenuous?

A White House 180-degree turn on nuclear arms control inflicts whiplash on experts. What is real here?

Rep. Rogers: Hill Must Fund Sea-Launched Nuclear Cruise Missile, Lower Yield Warhead

Rep. Rogers: Hill Must Fund Sea-Launched Nuclear Cruise Missile, Lower Yield Warhead
Rep. Rogers: Hill Must Fund Sea-Launched Nuclear Cruise Missile, Lower Yield Warhead

Rep. Mike Rogers chairs the House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee, which has been remarkably vigorous in its oversight the last two years. (Just ask Air Force Chief of Staff David Goldfein or Secretary Heather Wilson.) His subcommittee keeps a close eye on America’s nuclear weapon delivery systems, as well as its warheads (which are…

No, Trump Nuke Strategy Doesn’t Doom Planet: DUSD Policy

No, Trump Nuke Strategy Doesn’t Doom Planet: DUSD Policy
No, Trump Nuke Strategy Doesn’t Doom Planet: DUSD Policy

HERITAGE FOUNDATION: Just calm down and read the document. That, in essence, is the administration’s response to critics who call its new nuclear strategy irresponsible and dangerous. In fact, deputy undersecretary for policy David Trachtenberg said over and over here this morning, the Nuclear Posture Review is fundamentally conservative (with a small “c”). The 2018…

US Strategy Must Change Coz ‘We Can’t Afford It:’ Rep. Smith

US Strategy Must Change Coz ‘We Can’t Afford It:’ Rep. Smith
US Strategy Must Change Coz ‘We Can’t Afford It:’ Rep. Smith

WASHINGTON: When the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee went to talk with the almost mystical Pentagon gang known as the Office of Net Assessment, they told him America can’t afford to execute the strategy we’re pursuing. “I asked them what they were lacking. They didn’t have an answer,” Rep. Adam Smith told…

No $ For New B-52 Engines Til 2020; Nuke Modernization Moves Ahead: Gen. Rand

No $ For New B-52 Engines Til 2020; Nuke Modernization Moves Ahead: Gen. Rand
No $ For New B-52 Engines Til 2020; Nuke Modernization Moves Ahead: Gen. Rand

CORRECTED: Inserted Photo Of Minuteman III; Removed Photo Of Titan WASHINGTON: Gen. Robin Rand, the Air Force bomber and missile boss, really wants new jet engines for his aging B-52s. The service has invited interested companies to a two-day information session in December and Boeing and Rolls-Royce are already publicly campaigning for the contract. But,…

When The Football Comes Out, Who Watches The President?

When The Football Comes Out, Who Watches The President?
When The Football Comes Out, Who Watches The President?

  Corrected: The article referred to the E-4B command aircraft, but Brig. Gen. Bowen was referring to the E-6B. WASHINGTON: The men and women of US Strategic Command watched a clock count down. When it did, they knew their base would be “a smoking hole in the ground.” It was a simulation, sure, but “it’s deadly serious,”…

Why America Needs A Nuclear Air Launched Cruise Missile

Why America Needs A Nuclear Air Launched Cruise Missile
Why America Needs A Nuclear Air Launched Cruise Missile

UPDATED: We Run Op-Ed; Pentagon Announces LRSO Contract The Pentagon just awarded the third major contract in the modernization of the nuclear triad. First came the B-21 bomber. Then the Columbia-class submarine, to replace the Ohio class boomers. Two days ago they awarded Boeing and Northrop Grumman contracts to begin work on the new version…

VCJCS Selva Says US Must Not Let Robots Decide Who Dies; Supports LRSO

VCJCS Selva Says US Must Not Let Robots Decide Who Dies; Supports LRSO
VCJCS Selva Says US Must Not Let Robots Decide Who Dies; Supports LRSO

WASHINGTON: Admitting there’s a “raucous debate” in the US military about whether humans should allow robots to decide when to pull the trigger, the nation’s Nr. 2 uniformed officer told the Senate today that he doesn’t “think it’s reasonable to put robots in charge of whether we take a human life.” Gen. Paul Selva, the…