IBCS Defeats 2 Missiles in Flight – But 100s In Simulation

IBCS Defeats 2 Missiles in Flight – But 100s In Simulation
IBCS Defeats 2 Missiles in Flight – But 100s In Simulation

Thursday’s near-simultaneous intercept of a cruise missile and a ballistic missile was far from the hardest thing the IBCS battalion has done.

Air Force Tries To Fix F-35’s ALIS — From A Big, Broken Box To the Cloud

Air Force Tries To Fix F-35’s ALIS — From A Big, Broken Box To the Cloud
Air Force Tries To Fix F-35’s ALIS — From A Big, Broken Box To the Cloud

How bad is the F-35’s computerized maintenance system, ALIS? So bad the plane may be better off without it.

Lord OKs F-35 Operational Test And Evaluation

Lord OKs F-35 Operational Test And Evaluation
Lord OKs F-35 Operational Test And Evaluation

PENTAGON: It’s official — the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will begin operational test and evaluation next month, marking one of the most significant transitions for the closely watched program. Next summer, presuming no show stoppers appear during OTE, the program will move to full production. “On October 2, 2018, Undersecretary of Defense Ellen Lord convened…

Bad Idea: Accountability in Defense Acquisition

Bad Idea: Accountability in Defense Acquisition
Bad Idea: Accountability in Defense Acquisition

We’re partnering with the Center for Strategic and International Studies to bring you their fab Bad Ideas series through the Christmas holiday season. They produced three today. I’m betting Sen. John McCain will most enjoy the first of the three, this one by Andrew Hunter, on why it’s so damn complex and often difficult to know just…

Artificial Stupidity: Learning To Trust Artificial Intelligence (Sometimes)

Artificial Stupidity: Learning To Trust Artificial Intelligence (Sometimes)
Artificial Stupidity: Learning To Trust Artificial Intelligence (Sometimes)

In science fiction and real life alike, there are plenty of horror stories where humans trust artificial intelligence too much. They range from letting the fictional SkyNet control our nuclear weapons to letting Patriots shoot down friendly planes or letting Tesla Autopilot crash into a truck. At the same time, though, there’s also a danger…

Bogdan Says F-35B’s Modifications Main Risk To Marine IOC

Bogdan Says F-35B’s Modifications Main Risk To Marine IOC
Bogdan Says F-35B’s Modifications Main Risk To Marine IOC

CAPITOL HILL: And we all thought software was the biggest risk faced by the Marine’s F-35C as Lockheed Martin and the military get it ready for IOC, its first warfighting configuration. But no. Air Force Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan, head of the F-35’s Joint Program Office, told the House Armed Services air and land subcommittee…

GAO Predicts F-35 Software Troubles May Drive Annual Costs Up To $15 Billion

GAO Predicts F-35 Software Troubles May Drive Annual Costs Up To $15 Billion
GAO Predicts F-35 Software Troubles May Drive Annual Costs Up To $15 Billion

WASHINGTON: The Government Accountability Office, Congress’ watchdog, says the Pentagon will have to sharply increase annual funding for the Joint Strike Fighter should projected software delays persist. Here’s the rub in this latest GAO report. It’s based on the director of Operational Test and Evaluations finding that the program won’t be able to make up…

Bulkhead Cracks In F-35B Won’t Slow Fielding, Marines Say

Bulkhead Cracks In F-35B Won’t Slow Fielding, Marines Say
Bulkhead Cracks In F-35B Won’t Slow Fielding, Marines Say

AFA WINTER, ORLANDO: Some 9,400 hours of ground testing of the F-35B exposed serious cracks in the plane’s aluminum bulkheads, sending the Joint Strike Fighter program and contractor Lockheed Martin scrambling to come up with long-term engineering solutions. The Marines say any correction will be made later to their aircraft and will not slow initial fielding…

F-35 Operational Test and Evaluation Report; Marines Say No IOC Changes

F-35 Operational Test and Evaluation Report; Marines Say No IOC Changes
F-35 Operational Test and Evaluation Report; Marines Say No IOC Changes

UPDATED: Marine Commandant Lists Top 3 Concerns; Lockheed Commits to Software Delivery In Time For Marine IOC. Here it is, for everyone to ponder, the F-35 portion of the annual report from Michael Gilmore, director of the Pentagon’s Operational Test and Evaluation office. The only sort of public annual benchmark on the success or failure…