“It’s like the Wild, Wild West when it comes to AI right now,” Linchpin product lead Bharat Patel told Breaking Defense. “We don’t want to be the government and be like, ‘Here’re our standards, you must comply.’”
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
The 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing is modeling a new approach to electronic warfare for all the services: Instead of traditional quarterly updates, the 350th can now update over 30 Air Force systems about new threats within three hours.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
The service “will use Project Linchpin to develop and deploy trusted AI & ML capabilities to intelligence, cyber, and electronic warfare sensor systems,” Col. Chris Anderson, project manager for intelligence systems and analytics, said.
By Jaspreet Gill
“I think across our entire portfolio, there are opportunities for us to simplify and deliver capabilities that allow for our units to have a more flexible network infrastructure,” Mark Kitz said.
By Jaspreet Gill
No current contracts, awards, jobs or physical moves are being affected by the PEOs restructuring, an Army spokesman said, but the reorg aims to streamline technical capabilities.
By Jaspreet Gill
Mark Kitz succeeds Maj. Gen. Anthony Potts, who led the office since June last year.
By Jaspreet Gill
The way the historic PEO organizations were initially set up was “for a reason,” but now the Army is modernizing, and the shift is needed to support its unified network, Young Bang said.
By Jaspreet Gill
The TITAN program is a tactical ground station that will process data from across space and land-based sensors using artificial intelligence and ship it off to the right shooter — such as one of the new Army long-range precision fires missiles.
By Andrew Eversden