Boeing, Saab Unveil T-X Entry; Planes Go Straight To Production

Boeing, Saab Unveil T-X Entry; Planes Go Straight To Production
Boeing, Saab Unveil T-X Entry; Planes Go Straight To Production

ST. LOUIS: Boeing and Saab unveiled their long-awaited entry for the Air Force’s next generation trainer, known as T-X, an intriguing mix of Super Hornet and a Gripen. The plane is designed to go straight to production without passing through the conventional development stages of a military aircraft. While our colleagues at Aviation Week and…

Carter Tours Boeing’s Black Diamond; Is It Key to LRSB?

Carter Tours Boeing’s Black Diamond; Is It Key to LRSB?
Carter Tours Boeing’s Black Diamond; Is It Key to LRSB?

ST. LOUIS: Boeing  opened the doors of its Phantom Works’ Virtual Warfare Center to reporters for the first time during Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s visit, showing us tantalizing glimpses of advanced technologies such as its Talon HATE project to improve communications between the F-22 and efforts to double to 16 the air-to-air missile load of an F-15.…

No Bomber Talk As SecDef Visits Boeing; Carter Opens DARPA Do

No Bomber Talk As SecDef Visits Boeing; Carter Opens DARPA Do
No Bomber Talk As SecDef Visits Boeing; Carter Opens DARPA Do

ST. LOUIS: It was the question of the day: Mr. Secretary, can you elaborate on the Long Range Strike Bomber? The Pentagon plans to buy  80 to 100  of the $550 million-a-copy bomber — most details of which remain classified. A Boeing employee asked the question after a short speech by Defense Secretary Ash Carter, here to…

Boeing’s Phantom Works Tries Its Hand At Trucks

Boeing’s Phantom Works Tries Its Hand At Trucks
Boeing’s Phantom Works Tries Its Hand At Trucks

The people that built the X-37 unmanned spaceplane and the X-51 Mach five missile now want to bring you an ultra-lightweight truck. Can brains this big think that small? The beautifully named Phantom Badger vehicle looks a little out of place alongside other products of Boeing’s famous Phantom Works division. In fact, Boeing itself looks…

Big Boeing Targets Small Satellite Market; Not ORS, But Much Faster Than Usual

COLORADO SPRINGS, NATIONAL SPACE SYMPOSIUM: The Boeing Company, better known for building big satellites in clean rooms and charging big prices for them, has spotted what it thinks may be a sweet spot in the satellite market and plans to build prototypes of three small satellites to show the market what it can do. The…