They’re Back: US Subs To Carry Harpoon Ship-Killer Missiles

They’re Back: US Subs To Carry Harpoon Ship-Killer Missiles
They’re Back: US Subs To Carry Harpoon Ship-Killer Missiles

The effort falls in line with Pentagon efforts to deploy more punch at longer ranges, a clear recognition of the growing ability of China and Russia to keep American and forces at a stand-off distance 

Navy To Begin Arming Subs With Ship-Killer Missile

Navy To Begin Arming Subs With Ship-Killer Missile
Navy To Begin Arming Subs With Ship-Killer Missile

It’s a major shift after decades in which submarines focused on projecting power ashore, with their only anti-ship weapons being their rarely-used torpedoes. Driving the change: increasing anxiety about China.

What Really Matters In The Defense Authorization Act & What Didn’t Get Done

What Really Matters In The Defense Authorization Act & What Didn’t Get Done
What Really Matters In The Defense Authorization Act & What Didn’t Get Done

Most coverage of the annual defense policy bill has focused on program changes: more ships (including six icebreakers!), no change to F-35’s, more RDT&E, no JSTARS recap, a growl (but no more) on ZTE, and many more (the bill and report run 2,500 pages). Less discussed, but of more import in the long run, are the…

Israel Deploying to Eastern Europe, Pacific for First Time Alongside U.S. Forces

Israel Deploying to Eastern Europe, Pacific for First Time Alongside U.S. Forces
Israel Deploying to Eastern Europe, Pacific for First Time Alongside U.S. Forces

The Trump Pentagon is undergoing a major shift to focus on great power competition. And it’s looking for allies to step up in places that might come as a surprise.