Shipbuilding Plan Calls For Billions In Spending, Surprising Congress

Shipbuilding Plan Calls For Billions In Spending, Surprising Congress
Shipbuilding Plan Calls For Billions In Spending, Surprising Congress

“The contradictions and the flaws in this report are so blatant that I think it’s a pretty weak reed to lean on…given the fact that [the Trump administration] basically were just doing Obama’s shipbuilding plan up until this point,” says Rep. Joe Courtney

Trump Admin Sets Allied Defense Spending Targets, Taiwan Deals Lead Way

Trump Admin Sets Allied Defense Spending Targets, Taiwan Deals Lead Way
Trump Admin Sets Allied Defense Spending Targets, Taiwan Deals Lead Way

“If anything, the provocations are coming from Beijing. The bullying behavior…is where the provocateurs lie, not with Taiwan [which is] maintaining its own self defense,” a top State Department official says.

NSA O’Brien’s Latest Audible on Navy Plans: Calls For More Frigates, Faster

NSA O’Brien’s Latest Audible on Navy Plans: Calls For More Frigates, Faster
NSA O’Brien’s Latest Audible on Navy Plans: Calls For More Frigates, Faster

It’s unclear if Robert O’Brien’s calls for hypersonic missiles on destroyers and building more frigates indicate he is inserting himself in Pentagon budget planning.

Signaling China, White House Floats Putting Hypersonic Missiles On Destroyers

Signaling China, White House Floats Putting Hypersonic Missiles On Destroyers
Signaling China, White House Floats Putting Hypersonic Missiles On Destroyers

“This is a terrible idea for several reasons,” Bryan Clark of the Hudson Institute said. The oldest ships would need to undergo a service life extension, while the newer ships would have to undergo expensive upgrades for a complex new mission.

Poland Talks New Bases As Duda Meets At White House

Poland Talks New Bases As Duda Meets At White House
Poland Talks New Bases As Duda Meets At White House

As Trump takes heat from his own party over a proposed troop drawdown in Germany, new US drone and armor bases in Poland are in the works.

Trump Acts To Revitalize America’s Defense Industrial Base

Trump Acts To Revitalize America’s Defense Industrial Base
Trump Acts To Revitalize America’s Defense Industrial Base

President Donald Trump has identified a fact few of his recent predecessors have understood: the Defense Industrial Base of the United States (DIB) is a critical component of our national security. The DIB is more important than any individual weapons program – be it an aircraft carrier, long range bomber, or high-tech tank.  But for too…