Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Created Under DoD CIO

Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Created Under DoD CIO
Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Created Under DoD CIO

“The major challenge for the US is China,” CNA analyst Larry Lewis said. “They are approaching the use of AI just like the US approached going to the moon in the sixties.”

Russian Robots: Fear Jammers, Not Terminators

Russian Robots: Fear Jammers, Not Terminators
Russian Robots: Fear Jammers, Not Terminators

WASHINGTON: Don’t worry about Russia building a killer robot someday. Worry about the radio-jamming drones they have today. Despite a few grandiose claims and snazzy videos of robots shooting guns, Russia remains behind “the Chinese, Iranians, and the Turks” in developing armed unmanned systems, let alone the United States, CNA expert Samuel Bendett said this…