Pentagon CIO Defends JEDI To Key Senator

Pentagon CIO Defends JEDI To Key Senator
Pentagon CIO Defends JEDI To Key Senator

The Defense Department has spent over $5.3 million so far administering the stalled JEDI procurement – but that’s not counting the time of DoD lawyers engaged in over a year of legal battles.

SATCOM Experts: AsiaSat Sales Not Threat to National Security

SATCOM Experts: AsiaSat Sales Not Threat to National Security
SATCOM Experts: AsiaSat Sales Not Threat to National Security

  UPDATED WASHINGTON: US commercial satellite sales to AsiaSat, and the company’s leasing of communications bandwidth to China, are not threats to US national security, say experts — contrary to charges by Republican Senators Charles Grassley and Joni Ernst. Instead, US export control law very deliberately has been crafted to encourage such sales in a…

11 GOP Vote Against McCain’s $18B NDAA Add; AIA Briefs Trump

11 GOP Vote Against McCain’s $18B NDAA Add; AIA Briefs Trump
11 GOP Vote Against McCain’s $18B NDAA Add; AIA Briefs Trump

WASHINGTON: If you want to know just how fractured the Republican Party is, even in the relatively staid Senate, just look at today’s bipartisan vote knocking down Sen. John McCain’s amendment to add $18 billion in defense spending to the National Defense Authorization Act. The vote, technically a cloture motion, saw 11 Republicans voting nay, four…

‘Egregious Waste And Misconduct’ At DoD, Senator Tells Panetta

Sen. Grassley presses Panetta on ‘egregious waste and misconduct’ at DoD dug up in Inspector General reports. colinclarkaol